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This is just a very short simple list. For more information, look in Animal Speaks by Ted Andrews or search more online. Of course, use your own common sense about what an animal may be saying to you at that time.

ALLIGATOR: Survival, stealth, power

ANT: Teamwork, Organization, community, kinship

ANTELOPE: Speed, grace

ARMADILLO: Protection, safety

BADGER: Orderliness, tenacity

BAT: Insight, intuition

BEAR: Strength, introspection, healing, self-knowledge

BEAVER: Building, shaping, beginning new projects

BEE: Service, herbalism, community

BIRD: Unity, freedom, community

BLACKBIRD: Omens and mysticism, color of fear and promise

BLUEBIRD: Happiness and fulfillment, color of north or east

BUFFALO: Abundance, healing, good fortune

BUTTERFLY: Transformation, balance, grace

COUGAR: Balance, leadership

COYOTE: Humor, trickiness, reversal of fortune

CRANE: Balance, majesty

CROW: Intelligence, watchfulness, magick, past-life connections, wisdom, council, resourcefulness

DEER: Gentleness, sensitivity, peace, wisdom

DOG: Loyalty, companionship

DOLPHIN: Harmony, joy, connection with self, communication

DRAGONFLY: Skill, refinement, relentlessness, creativity

EAGLE: Capable of reaching zenith, great perception, bridging worlds, potency, healing, power, illumination

ELK: Pride, power, majesty

FIREFLY: Communication, illumination

FOX: Cleverness, subtlety, discretion

FROG: Cleansing, peace, emotional healing

GOAT: Tenacity, diligence

GOOSE: Safe return, love of home

HAWK: Primal life force, fulfillment, spring and fall equinoxes, awareness, truth

HORSE: Freedom, power, safe movement, transformation, shapeshifting

HUMMINGBIRD: Beauty, wonder, agility

LIZARD: Letting go, elusiveness

MOUSE: Illusion, charm

OTTER: Joy, laughter, lightness

OWL: Silent wisdom and nocturnal vision, healing powers, magick, insight

PEACOCK: Recognition, self-assurance

PELICAN: Abundance, plenty

PORCUPINE: Innocence, humility

RABBIT: Conquering fear, safety

RACCOON: Curiousity, inquisitiveness

RAVEN: Shapeshifting, messenger or omen, blending human and animal

SCORPION: Defense, self-protection

SEAL: contentment

SKUNK: Caution, warning

SNAIL: Perserverance, determination

SNAKE: Power, life force, sexual potency

SPIDER: Interconnectedness, industry

SQUIRREL: Trust, thrift

SWAN: Sensitive, emotional, dreamer and mystic, longevity, elegance, nurturing

TURTLE: Love, protection, healing, knowledge

VULTURE: Purification, never-ending vigilance, guardian of mysteries

WHALE: Creativity, intuition

WOLF: Teaching, loyalty, interdependence

WOODPECKER: Weather prophet, drumbeats into other dimensions


Page created 30 april 2001
Updated 3 February 2010


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Reference from:

ANIMAL SPEAK by Ted Andrews

TO LIGHT A SACRED FLAME by Silver Ravenwolf