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Submitted by: Arias

The dark is a lady that would be Queen.

She whispers with cunning, and never is seen.

Her sentries are moonlight, and the whispering wind.

She is a mystery, that man seeks to know.

A haunting sweet laughter of all things that glow.

Starlight and oceans, the universe high.

All now reflections, but which is the sky?

The dark is a fortress in which all things find rest.

Where desires, and dreams, our memories kept.

WHen she sings of her power in our deafened ears.

Men run for daylight, crying with fear.

The dark is a Goddess, more ancient than time.

For, the beginning was darkness, eons of night.

When the power of The One, moved the void to form light.

With great shrieks and howls, then space became air.

The Goddess of starlight then gave birth to the world.

But when nighttime comes, and the world is asleep.

The Lady is Kingdom, and all things are seen.

She holds all the mysteries, the knowledge of time.

As from darkness we came, and to darkness return.

She awaits all Her children, She knows what has been.

The dark is a Lady that would be Queen.

She rules with Her magick, and never is seen.

The moon and the mountains, the stars in the sky.

Are guardians of darkness, and Her sentries on high.


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11 Jan 2000

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