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North A Street

The grass was high, and a grasshopper was on the wall

Sleight of hand, magick, a dream, warm days and telescope nights

A wish upon the shooting stars granted

Allowed to live, enjoy, grow, create,

To build something physical from something magickal

We were happy, we were alive

We were given permission to dream for a while

So many ups and downs, so much to do

Every moment filled with ideas

Old house, strange things to explore

hidden memories uncovered, the sealed room opened

Alleys, brick roads, and moonlit walks

The wheel turns, summer to autumn

Blue room, blue lights, the church, blacklights,

The altar, incense, candles, and christmas lights,

Samhain came as the magick grew to new heights

The black and orange streamers hanging in the doorway

that leads to another world.

It's growing colder as Yule approaches

We string lights outside and put velvet bows on the porch

We even bought a Yule log this year and you gave me new Tarot cards,

Then the cold night descended on December 31st

An unforgettable night of flames, darkness, and breaking glass,

The chill was unbearable as the ceiling and the world caved in

and the sun has not risen even though the dream vanished long ago.

(by praxedis- 23 oct 1999)

this writing is the sole property of the author and is not to be copied or reproduced without permission

writings by jen

writings index


17 Feb 2000