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You want to be a Witch?

(Something to think about before you go on...)

Gazing at my future.....

If you are reading this, you're almost certainly interested, and if you're interested, it's likely that you want to learn. You may even be seriously considering it.

The path that leads to magickal mystery is long and sometimes hard, but it can be done by anyone willing to dedicate the time, effort, and energy involved.

There are at least two obstacles at the very beginning of your journey, and these have to be overcome before you continue.

The first is to forget everything you see in the movies or read in fiction novels. We expect magick to do flashy things. It does different things in different ways. It works through natural connections between "mind" and "matter".

It's powers are natural- as a result, when it happens, it comes about naturally, as if by coincidence*. (*which there is no such thing-it's only magick)

The second obstacle is that knowledge about magick is all you'll need. There is some truth to it-knowledge is absolutely necessary if you want to become a competent witch. The problem is that you can learn gobs of knowledge about magick, and still have no clue how to practice it. It is possible to know exactly how a magickal operation should be done, and still be unable to do it.

This is true of all things-you can read hundreds of books on music and still have no idea how to play a piano.

Knowledge is not enough and neither is talent. Neither is dressing in black, wearing mystical jewelry, and having occult books all over your house.

To become a witch, you must practice every day without fail. You can do a basic practice, such as circle casting, or quarter calls, daily. It doesn't matter what it is-just pick something, and then do it every day.

Sticking to a daily practice isn't easy. Our "lower self", our ordinary personality, will try to get out of it. It is very easy to skip it "Just this once".

As you practice daily, those days add up to weeks, months, and years. You will find your magickal abilities growing.

There are several things you can do to help yourself. Keep a daily record of your work, a magickal diary in which you write down details of all your practices and workings. It's useful to set aside time regularly for magickal reading and study- you are going to have to learn a great deal.

So, if you want to be a witch, there is no other way besides regular practice.

(Reference from "Llewellyn's 2000 Magical Almanac"
So You Want to be a Real Magician by John Michael Greer)

Blessed Be!

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