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First of all, the only tool you need is an open mind. You don't need anything else to be a witch. Your mind is the starting point of all things. Now, with that out of the way, we will briefly cover some of the items called "Witch's Tools"-

A special, flat surface set aside exclusively for magickal workings or religious acknowledgement.

Also known as a Talisman.
An object worn as a protective charm against evil.

Represents intellect, right thinking, and calculation.
It is interchangeable with the SWORD.
The Witch's black-handled knife (a natural handle will do, mine is wood). Usually double-edged and dull, as it is never used for actual cutting. Used for commanding/manipulating power. It is always a personal tool, used by one Witch. Used for directing energy. It's use is purely ritual.
In Craft rituals, the Athame = Male.

(Or White-Handled Knife)
A ritual knife for use within the Magick Circle whenever actual cutting or inscribing is called for. Used for harvesting herbs, wands, plants, inscribing candles, cutting cords, etc.

A book of rituals, spells, instructions, notes, and memories kept by a Witch. Your own diary. Usually this book is passed on when a Witch dies.

Symbol for the female witch and represents her vehicle for travel into dreamtime. Use it to sweep an area or magick circle clean of negative energy. It is laid at the gateway to a coven circle, used to send messages to friends via astral travel, and it is set outside to make friends with fairy folk.

Symbol of the Goddess.
Transformations take place when used. (Phoenix Rising from the flames...) Can be the main point of interest in a ritual. Used for developing oils and brews, scrying with still water, steam, or dripping wax into water to watch patterns appear.
Usually made of cast iron. (Traditional from the Old Religion)

Symbol of emotion and fertility.
Represents the Water element.
Used in dedication and initiation ceremonies, holiday rituals to honor the Gods/Goddesses, and certain spells. Usually long-stemmed.
In Craft rituals, the Cup (Chalice) = Female.

To purify the area you are magickally working in. To purify your home. Helps reach altered states of consciousness.

Represents the Earth element.
Represents material things, used to evoke entities and protection.
It is normally the centerpiece of a Witch's Altar.
A flat disc with a Pentagram (and other symbols) inscribed on it.
Used to call money.
To empower jewelry and gems, place them in the center of the five-pointed star.

A five-pointed star. It represents a human being (astride with arms outstretched) or the four elements governed by the fifth, Spirit.

Used in many magickal procedures, including Wiccan, as a kind of spiritual antiseptic, or purifying symbol.

An occult seal or sign.

One of the four elemental tools, representing the Fire element - or in some traditions, the Air element.

An object, similar to an AMULET, but more specific and often constructive, not merely protective. It is designed for a particular individual and purpose, making the maximum use of appropriate symbols.

Represents communication and matters of business.
Serves to project your energy to a certain person, place, thing, or dimension. Can be wood or copper insulated with leather, 12 to 18 inches in length. Can tip with crystals, pine cones, or knobs.

A string of forty beads, or a cord with forty knots, used as an aid to concentrated repetition without the need for actual counting.

**You don't need to acquire all or any of these things to be a working witch, and some things take time to obtain. I look at tools like crystals, when the time is right, it will come to you. The first thing you will probably have is a Book of Shadows, which can be anything you designate as such, to keep your notes in.**


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