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Far to the East of Drakoria, a small island by the name of Rosethorn
existed, the land was very beautiful and its inhabitants believed in
blending nature with their dwellings and sprawling gardens..

Strong willed and fierce, these furres have existed centuries isolated
yet prospering in their own cultural depths and traditions. A "Thorn" furre is a very openminded and outspoken furre. They do not believe in discussing their own sexuality as something immoral, or to be embarrassed about. In fact, often to them, a heated argument upon the political affairs of Clan rivalry, or the comparing of ones fetishes, is all the same to them as far as they are concerned.

After so long a time, some have been drawn to travel, wanderlust and the
curiosity of new explorations.
To present day, you can find some "Thorn's"
within the realm, they are kind and friendly when not judged or prejudiced
against, and if you are deemed trustworthy, may just venture to invite a furre
to the Island of Rosethorn itself.

However often a Thorn finds it difficult to trust, in the past their kind
have been prosecuted if not outright attacked, simply because their ways
and customs are foreign to many.
The basis of the Rosethorn culture is simple, yet the often unspoken laws
very strongly heeded, there is contempt when a furre breaks laws a Thorn
has been brought up to believe in, and their morals are strong.

Within Thorn Law, a furre is either a House holder, in which case they
are considered respected nobles, and give due respect to other nobles.
Each house is led by a Mistress or a Master, these titles inform the other
Thorns that they are Dominant in nature.
Every house will have it's submissives, they are called slaves only out
of habit and the fact that it has been found the custom off of the island.
However, these "slaves" are not to be confused with the usual "slave" one
might see wandering the lands, a Rosethorn submissive is by nature, exactly
that. Under Law, never is there a slave forced into slavery, nor captured.
This is extremely distasteful in Thorn eyes.

Basic Law teaches that ALL are to be respected for their views and opinions,
Safe, Sane and Conscentual are the Three founding Laws for the Manner in which
The Dominants {Mistresses or Masters} are to treat their subs. As the system
on this old and vibrant Island Refuge, has always been, and always shall be,
The experienced shall lead those who wish to learn, and those willing to explore
Wether one is born from a sub or a Dom, it is up to That furre's specific
nature as to which side they shall take. For all prefer one over the other.
Or so goes the Rosethorn Philosophy...

On an OOC note, this guild is founded on the basis of roleplayers, who
enjoy creating a character, yet whom has an interest or curiosity of learning
valid BDSM and D/s {Dominance & submission} The resources found on this site,
explore and teach exactly that. For those purposes, the Guild accepts only
Legal and conscenting Adults, 18 and over, whom are not offended by BDSM
fetishism and open sexuality.
