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Dealing with prejudice from ignorant furres:

It is important to keep in mind that most furres simply take one look and immediatly judge something.
It doesn't mean they are right, or have all the facts.
Unfortunately, due to the close-mindedness of some, you most likely will encounter someone who
believes their opinion is the only opinion and will try to push it down
your throat. Perhaps even try to attack you or goad you into attacking.
Well, how does one deal with an unruly character like this?
You can try to explain yourself, or defend against their insults, but what purpose does
that serve? They are not listening anyway, their belief is that only their set of morals is allowed, and will try to interfere with yours. How stifling!
Remember one thing, You can't change them or their opinions. And NOR can
they! Best thing to do is be secure in yourself and know your more
openminded than they are by simply Walking away. No one is tying you down
and keeping you there. YOU dont have to take it or listen to it.
Has anyone ever walked away from you in the middle of an argument? how did that
make you feel? Certainly not like the "winner" of the argument. Rather
unsaid words, not allowed to vent, you were left feeling foolish. The one
who walked away showed your words meant so little to them, it was too dull
to stick around. Keep this in mind when someone gets on your back for
doing what YOU want to do. No one else has any right to say you should do
different. Everyones entitled to their opinion, but not entitled to walk
all over someone elses rights, and expect to keep their own. So Keep your
cool, keep your temper, and remember to Walk away! I hope this aids
some of you whom might have encountered this sort of ignorance and
prejudice before for making our own valued choices in our lifestyle.

Thanks. -MK