Chapter 6: Just Admit It

"So he likes you right?" Came the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Well I dont know yet, But I mean one of them has to." Lisa answered to her best friend Britney

Britney's sigh was clear through the reciver of the phone. "But dont worry, It should be soon enough." Lisa quickly added, so she didnt disapoint her best friend. Lisa and Britney had made a bet, as soon as they had discovered where the Hanson's house was. Lisa would try and get whoever she could, wether it was Taylor or Zac, and then Britney would come in for the kill on the remaining brother. It would be the coolest thing in the world to be going out with one of the Hanson's.

"Well you have to hurry, they dont go to public school, and as soon as summer vacation is over, we wont get to see them as much." Britney observed as Lisa flipped through the channels on the TV in her mothers room. She twisted a strand of her curly brown hair around her finger.

"I know, I know, I already have most of it planned out, we just have to get Tara out of the way." Lisa replied.

"Tara? Who's Tara?" Britney asked with a questioning tone.

"Zac's best friend, Tara Richards, you know her." Lisa replied rolling her eyes, her best friend could be so clueless sometimes.

"Ooooh. Her." Britney replied, she made a discusted sound in her throat. "She is kinda pretty though, Tara could definatly pose a problem if Zac or Tay likes her like that "

Lisa fumbled with the remote control for the TV. "Yeah, Thats why we need her out of the picture, Im just not sure how we're going to do it."

"We could kill her."

Lisa smiled and waited for her best friends joking laugh after her comment. Silence. She waited some more then nervously said, "Uh, Brit, you were kidding right?"

"Of course I was kidding!" the voice on the other end of the phone giggled. Lisa let out her breath, that was music to her ears. Her best friend actually had her going there for a frightening second

"Zac, play your part again please." Zac's eyes shot up from where he was staring mindlessly at his drums.

"Uh, right." He mummbled, trying to remember where they were before. He knew he had played through his drum solo half heartedly. He wasnt paying much attention, and his eyes kept blurring over at the thought of Tara. He fumbled with his drum sticks in his hand, then went through his solo, more slowely this time. He just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Tara had been acting so strange lately. She couldnt seem to look him in the eyes ever since they had went to the park with Lisa.

After the brothers went through their songs a few more times without Zac messing it up, they called it a rap, and left the studio. When they were out of ear shot of the guys, Ike turned to his younger brother as they exited the air conditioned building, and stepped into the warm, humid air.

"So Zac, you going to tell us whats up, or do we have to pick it out of you?" Ike asked spinning his car keys around his finger.

"I could tell you whats up...but im not going to." he said quietly waiting by the back door of the car.

"Well obviously its about a chick, because thats the only thing that has been getting to you lately." Tay observed raising his eyebrows and hopping into the front seat. He watched as his younger brother looked aimlessly out the window without a reply.

"So I thought i'd just make this easier for both of us, and ask you out now..." Zac looked hopefully into the mirror at his own reflection, somehow wishing he could convince himself that he sounded...well convincing.

"Why dont you just say will you go out with me?" Tay said as he walked past the bathroom for the third time in the past 3 minutes. Zac staring into the mirror, asking himself out, peaked his interest and he kept coming back to see what he was saying.

"Because I have to explain my motives to her dude, so she knows why I want to go out with her."

Taylor laughed deep in his throat. "You dont need motives 'dude', there usually isnt a valid motive for liking someone ya know?" Taylor leaned up against the door frame and watched his brother out from underneath his newly cut blonde hair.

Zac stared back for a few seconds then snapped, "When did you become an expert on the subject?" He stormed out of the bathroom and into the boys bedroom where he threw himself onto the bottom bunk with a sigh.

Taylor followed him into the bedroom and shoved his hands in his pockets nervously. He knew following his brother was going to be risky, but he was seriously hindering the normally positive mood in the Hanson household.

"Well maybe I dont know much about chicks...But one thing I DO know, is that you like her, and she probably likes you." Taylor paused and ran his hand over the change in his pocket. He had to pick the right thing to say. "And I dont know what took you guys to notice each other, Like that Ya know?" Zac rolled over onto his back and looked across the room at his brother who was perched on the edge of their dresser.

"Yeah, well whats that supposed to mean?" he replied as he kicked his shoes off over the edge of the bed and squeezed his eyes shut with mock exuastedness.

Taylor rolled his eyes. "It meant I DONT KNOW, what took you guys so long to notice each other, but you obviously like each other, so ask her out." Taylor paused again to look at his brothers reaction, but he just layed there with his eyes closed. "And do it soon, because your mood is bringing the whole house down." With that Taylor turned on his heel and left the room.

Zac opened his left eye a little bit to look at his brother, but he was already out the door. Even though he hated to admit it, Taylor was right for once, he knew what he had to do.

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