
“ Zac and I have been friends forever.” Tara Richards reminded herself as she stared out her window towards her best friend, Zac Hanson’s house.

“ Don’t give up hope on him now.” She added sitting up on her waterbed to let her legs hang over the edge. This had to have been the first day in a long time that they hadn’t done anything together. Tara had gone over to his house, to find that he had gone out with another girl that morning, she was stunned. She could never imagine hyper little Zac bailing on her for another girl.

Standing up, Tara pulled open the top drawer of her tall oak dresser. Inside she dug under her socks for the small photo album that she kept there for a long time. She had to smile at the crack in the cardboard cover from when Zac had ran into her room and stepped right on the photo album, sending it flying across the floor bent and broken.

“ Maybe I’m over reacting.” Tara muttered. “ But he never ditched me for another girl before.” She reminded herself looking at the pictures of all of her friends. She stopped at one of her and Zac. They were the type of friends that knew every scar and bruise on each other, took baths together when they were small, and knew everything about each other.

In the picture, Tara’s white-blonde hair was sticking up all over the place as Zac pelted her with a water balloon. The boy’s hair was almost as long as hers, but dirty blonde. Zac’s 16 year old brother Taylor was standing by the white picket fence by their yard with a goofy grin on his face.

Tara closed the photo album and tossed it on her bed. She sighed.

" I guess its no big deal.” She admitted aloud. As she walked back to her window, Her blue eyes scanned the street and the front yard of the Hanson’s house. She watched as the front door opened. She held her breath hoping to see Zac come out. But to her dismay it was his other older brother Isaac.

“ Maybe I should call Andi.” The 14-year-old blonde thought, referring to her other good friend. But Tara quickly thought against it. She would just have to sit and wait until Zac returned home. Tara heaved a heavy sigh and sat down at her desk chair. She looked around and her eyes settled on a cup full of Pencils’. Tara reached out and picked up a pencil with a rubber band tied around the end. She unraveled it and stared at it as it sat in her palm.

As she became more and more bored, she began pulling at the rubberband in all directions watching it stretch and grow. Without even thinking about it, She put the rubberband in her pocket and walked out the door heading towards the Hanson’s house.

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