![]() Peter is my boyfriend. I love his soooo much it's disgusting :) We met in #suicide on IRC, and after seven months of being painfully far away ((I in Va, and Peter in France)) we finally met. He is now staying with me until September ((I don't think that I will let him go, though . . hehe)).
Though he was living in France, Peter isn't French ((he will get very upset if you say that he is.)) He's English, and has the most adorable accent. He also doesn't like it very much when I call him my super-cute sweetypie angeldovebabymuffin gingerpoo cakedoll :) :) That's ok though . . . he just doesn't want to admit how sweet he is! Peter is the most patient and generous person I know. Even when I shout and throw a tantrum over something stupid, he is ready with open arms to hug me. He makes everything feel better.
He has a webpage that is occaisionally updated in the weeeee hours of the morning. He sneaks off with the computer while I'm sleeping. . .I don't mind though, he always writes me a little .txt note and leaves it on the middle of the desktop, telling what MP3s he downloaded in the night, and what people are online at that hour, so that when I wake up and go online, and HE is sleeping, I reead it and get all extra happy that he was thinking about me. Peter is the best!!