My description of her... Self absorbed, vindictive, airhead, bitch...
What a bitch. The only reason, as we all know, that she actually has a record deal is cause she slept with everyone she could bed....and that's very sad. Very sad. The last thing we need, after women have come so far, is a girl like Britney sending bad messages to little children. In fact, Britney scares little children, so I don't know if it actually matters.
She's a frickin liar...First about Justin, her cousin..*incest, i tell you, INCEST* boy, brit, is it easier to lie or give someone a blow job?
Brainless. Does she even think before she says something so half assed she looks like a frickin twit *which she is* in an interview? i guess not....
2 words..Rolling & Stone. That pissed me off. I'm never buying that magazane EVER again. All that is is cheap unexcusable porn. If you want porn, go buy porn, not rolling stone, damnit.
It's a sad state of affairs when word has gotten around that you're a slut, and consequently you can't get anybody to play your love interest except your cousin in a video because none of the actors in hollywood would touch you with a ten foot pole.
::cough cough:: Hypocrite..yeah, she's such a positive role model.."Love yourself for who you are!" Yeah, and then she gets fake hair, a fake tan, and fake boobs. There's a great message, britney....
For all the Britney fans out there, I don't see it. See, how can one person be so rude, superficial, hypocritical and irritating and have so many fans, girls included? That mystifies me, since Britney is basically one giant bitch. If you're a Britney fan, please e-mail me so you can kindly explain. My theory is that they've been brainwashed...Too much of those *NSTINK guys.
Totally rude to her fans, as I have said before. Hello...does her last stunt say anything??? Check out the news for more info....
Do you have something you wanna say, good or bad? Mail me, please!
**And REMEMBER: We AlL hAvE oUr FaUlTs...BrItNeY jUsT hAs MoRe ThAn MoSt...**