What To Do When You Attend A Pop Music Concert...By ME.

Caitlin's Steps To Succesfully Attending And Getting The Most Out Of Your Concert...

Step 1: First, you must buy your tickets. Now, there are two million other crazy ass bitches in your city who are just like you who would throw themselves in front of a fricking train just to get third row seats. That's why, even if the tickets go on sale Wednesday, you must cut school two days in advance, pack the stuff you need, get some money, a friend, and a sleeping bag, and haul ass down to the Ticketmaster offices. Hey, it helps to be prepared!

Second, now you've bought your tickets. Now, you HAVE TO ANNOY THE HELL OUT OF EVERYBODY YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH. "But Caitlin, O wise one, how do I do this?" you ask. Simple. Tell every person you meet, in a squeaky voice, "Oh my god!!!!! I GOT AWESOME SEATS TO THE BACKSTREET BOYS CONCERT!!!!" and then you must scream loudly and very high pitched. Hell, there's nothing like the scream of a teenage girl to really wake someone up!

Now, the concert is approaching. Get yourself down to the nearest store, and buy lots of glitter and poster board, and permanent marker. Make sure the poster is a bright color, you want those crazy *NSYNCers to notice you and your poster! Now, you have to go home and cut out all your precious pictures and paste them on. Remember...You can never have enough glitter! Decorate! It's all the better to blind the guys and irritate the people behind you who can't see, you know. And remember....The bigger the poster board the better.

Then, comes the FUN part. Go to Victoria's Secret, grab a nice scanty see through bra, pay for it, and once you get home, put a tag on there that has your name and phone number. Of course, when Kevin sees your cool bra, he will HAVE to call you, damnit.

The day of the concert: Get all your friends together and write all over your bodies in gaudy blue eyeliner with such awesome lines as "I love Kevin" or "Justin, marry me." After they see your cool body decorations, it'll be a huge turn on, and they won't be able to resist you anymore!

Once you get to the concert, with your bra and poster, annoy the hell out of people some more. Wave your poster in the air constantly. Throw your bra. Sing every song off key. And MOST IMPORTANTLY: Scream like the crazy mofo you are! Let me tell you, the concert experience is heightened for the other concertgoers around you when you wail like a dying mule, you know?

And make sure you try everything you know to get backstage after the concert, cause you know JC's waiting for you backstage!

**Note: Author is NOT responsible for any damage caused by crazed people who can't stand you anymore after you follow the author's steps.**