Why doesn't Britney wear a bra?
Note To Brit: Cover your nasty abs. Either that, or lay off the cookie dough ice cream and do some situps. Excercise would work wonders for you Britney.
How much hairspray do Britney and Innosense combined use? Enough to burn another hole in the ozone layer?
Moreover, how much makeup do they use?
How much coke does Veronica snort in a week?
How often does Britney wash her hair or change those nasty extensions?
If you added Britney and Innosense's IQ's together, would the number even be in the double digits?
Do Britney and Innosense actually read these pages?
NSYNC: What in God's name is up with Lance's eyebrows...I just picture him plucking them now, he he..Lance's seperate life as a drag queen.
BSB: What in the hell is up with Howie and Nick...:cough, cough, molestation:
Would anyone be surprised if Britney and President Clinton had an affair??
Britney Spears and Mandy Moore (the new chick who sounds remarkably like britney...the song "candy") are twins??? I think yes...
Why does slutney lie about dating Justin Timberlake?? I mean, come on! It's sooo obvious Justin is lustin after a piece of that NASTY HO ASS.
Is it any coincedence Spears has next to no shirt in the new video?
Does anyone else think Spears gives a bad name to Southern girls? She says she's a southern girl, and then gets implants, screws around with her cousin, and is the biggest slut in the music industry. (Christ, what is this world coming to???)
Did anyone notice Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean's shirt at the 1999 MTV VMA;s.....looks like A.J.'s been stealing from Britney's closet...
Is it just me, or did anyone feel like losing their lunch over Britney's outfits?
And was her and *NSYNC's set retarded? (Answer: YES.)
Why in the world do the Backstreet Boys make themselves look even more gay? I'm sorry, but that cover of Millenium ain't helpin' to quash those gay rumors, you know what I'm sayin'?
Kevin...likes...to...talk......slowly. Two words for Kevy: Speech.....therapist.
Britney Spears: CRAZY. The song is decent. As for Britney, um, she is crazy, and she sure isn't decent. I'm still bitter at Rolling Stone. Damn them.
Nick-ay: Noo, why did you get that god awful shark tattoo? What, did you think it looked cool? Did you think it made you look "manly"...NOOOO! Why??
*NSYNC: Is it just me, or do they really like to copy the Backstreet Boys? First the music, then the dance routines, now the lawsuits. Bitter, I tell you. Burn in hell, *NSYNC.
Jessica Simpson has an awesome voice, an awesome sound, and an awesome look. She is so cool, and she's not a dirty slut like Britney! And not annoying like Christina! If she doesn't make it bigger than those two, I will be bitter, dammit.
Lance should just come out of the closet and admit he's gay. And while he's at it, he should just tell the truth about his seperate life as a drag queen.
Same applies for Howie... But he wouldn't be a drag queen, he'd be a drag troll, he he..
Justin needs to go back to the GHETTO! Oh wait, I forgot, Justin is a lame ass white boy who's trying to be black! He's not FROM THE GHETTO! Ohhhh.. I get a life sized picture of Justin walking through a ghetto...lmao, too funny...don't make me laugh more...ha ha.
Innosense, everyone says they're gonna be famous, it's been a couple of years that they've been saying that, I'm still waiting..he he, you know why ?? It's probably never EVER gonna happen! Thank god for small miracles..
Amanda Latona and her "solo career"..Please, don't make me laugh harder. With all this humor, I might start crying from laughing so hard.
Has Kevin ever needed the help...of...a...spe-ech...ther-a-pist?
What is up with A.J. and the attraction to the floor? No sir, that ain't right.
Britney + Prince William = NO SIR. That is not a good match. Princess Britney is too scary a thought for me.
Where do the Backstreet Boys get their girlfriends? The streetcorner? (rhetorical question)
Pink hair extensions are AGAINST THE LAW! (Christina, I'm talking to you!)
Nick's retarded. I think he was a crackbaby.
Why do the most popular people in music have the ugliest fashion senses?