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bing!(2)[ ... ]-30.09.2004, Thursday :::Cross posted in catscity:::
Continue... bing! offers a wide range of imported teas and cookies.

(Left) The top most: Illy espresso.
Second level left: teas from London Fruit & Herb Company: Green Tea & Peach, Black & Green Tea,Green Tea & Raspberry, Green Tea & Blackcurrent, Green Tea & Jasmine Flower, Green Tea & Orange
Lowest level left & right: cookies from Cookie Tree: Almond Toast, Hazelnut Toast, Macadamia Chocolate, Oatmeal Raisin.
Second level right: Melrose's Ceylon Orange Pekoe, Earl Grey, Queen Darjeeling, English Breakfast.

The top most: Illy espresso.
Second level left & right: teas from London Fruit & Herb Company: orange Speices, Raspberry Rendezuous, Strawberry & Vanilla Fool, Lemon & Lime Zest, Rosehip with Hibiscus, Morning Tome, Blueberry Bliss, Blackvurrent Bracer, Organic Peppermint, Organic Camomile, Golcen Slumbers
Lowest level left & right: cookies from Cookie Tree

(Right) Also imported bottled drinks from France, Australia, Switzeland, Canada... that ranges from mineral water, root beer, apple juice, raspberry... When I took this picture, the owner was actually just walked pass it, the flash caught her in surprise, then we just say "Hi" and smiled to each other. She seemd very friendly, only that I don't have the time to talk to her, she's busy too coz it's peak hour already, I took this on my way out. I forgot her name, if I'm not mistaken, according to the newspapers, she designed the company's logo.

You can find a range of bing! own recipe such as cookies, cakes and salads.

(Left)Topmost, Cookies jars: Chocolate Chip Cookie, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie, Macademia Apricot Cookie, Macademia Choc Cookie, Hazelnut Biscotti, Pistacchio Biscotti
Second level: Chocolate Pecan Pie, Chocolate Cake, Oreo Cookie Cheesecake
Lowest level: Moist Carrot Cake with Creamcheese Icing, NY Cheesecake

(Right) Lowest level: salad range, one of them is Beef Lagsana with Salad

The left photo shows that bing! also provides an array of smoothies and fruit juice such as Real Blueberry Smootie, Fresh Mango Smoothie, Fresh Orange Juice, Fresh Redmango Smoothies, frsh green apple & Orange Juice, Fresh Watermelon Juice, Real Strawberry Smoothie, Fresh Orange & Carrot Juice, Fresh Green Apple Juice, Fresh Honeydew Juice.
On the right, it's actually just forks and spoons they wrapped with tissues and all of them with bing! stickers(right).

Last but not least, the interior again.
Overall, this is a very nice place to hang out with friends but to some people it's consider quite espensive. I like this place when it's not crowded coz when it's crowded, somehow... oh well... it's our culture that ppl tend to talk so loud. Lee and me practically had to shout to each other when talking coz ppl from the other tables talked so loud. One down side is that they do not really closed up the air conditioned and the smoking area. So, the smoke can actually spread into the non-smoking section. I rate this 4 out of 5. By the way, I noticed that all the ppl work there are guys. You can't seemed to find a waitress there. LOL...

bing!(1)[ ... ]-29.09.2004, Wednesday :::Cross posted in catscity:::
Noticed it, the 1st time with the title I'm using small letters, this is because this is the company name, bing! Coffee Company. Just opened this year, when??? I'm not so sure, I only noticed it when I went to Everrise, Paduangan one night with my parents and saw ppl coming in and out of there. Thinking of going there for so many times but couldn't find anyone to go with me. Finally Lee said he's free and I asked him to pass me 2 CDs so, might as well check out this place that has been reviewed by newspapers and also blogs, now I'm writting about too!!!

It's a nice place, this is the entrance(left). Then u'll come to a smoking section(it's partially open air), then after that u'll come to the counter, u'll just have to go tru' this section no matter u like it or not(right).

Made our orders and found a corner with two rattan chairs with throw cushions. I ordered Chocolate-Iced Blended, yummy...with the chocolate syrup laced all over on the whip cream and in between the drink, stirred them up and it blended really well, it tasted quiet nice, so far, this is the best chocolate drink I ever had, I'll give it 3.5/5 stars,(RM10, top left), Lee ordered Iced Chocolate(RM7, top middle), we were given a bing! card(below left- the contacts, below middle- the stamp area) that stated "purchase 10 espresso based drinks and the next one's on us". One order one stamp. More interior decor(top right, bottom right)

When we took our seats, the waiter came and gave us two glasses of iced water while we waited. We're there from 7:30pm-10:15pm, so long and only had one order each ahahhaah... then after we finished our drink, the waiter took them away. Then came to pour more iced water for us. It's really a good idea, after drinking all these sweet drinks, have plain water to rinse ur mouth, very thoughtful of them. This is what I like most, after eating or drinking(anything not plain water), most of the time I'll prefer to have a cup of plain water after that.

To be continue tomorrow... more photos coming... more descriptions coming... this is another record also, the longest, most detailed, the most photos posted entry in this blog so far.

MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL[ ... ]-28.09.2004, Tuesday
It's the 15th day of the 8th month of lunar calender, it's Mooncake Festival!!!!

I went to meet the client with my colleague, when we're back, other colleagues were so excited and told us to check our e-mail, we thought that must be a good news, such as working half day... no one wanted to say anything and insisted on us checking it ourselves. I checked my mail... "office will be closed at 5pm today"... what a disappointment!!! LOL... only half hour earlier. Oh well... better than nothing...

This year celebration is very quite, last time could see children playing with lanterns, walked around the streets with lanterns, and houses hung out lanterns. This year nothing, I couldn't even see any traces of the moon. Might be due to the weather. Cloudy sky...

PANDA BEAR [ ... ]-27.09.2004, Monday
Looked a the mirror... WAH!!!! Really a panda bear except that I'm not as chubby as a panda.

MOONCAKE A...GAIN... [ ... ]-25.09.2004, Saturday
Dad brought some mooncake back. Very sweet I don't like it. Green ones is pandan flavoured lotus paste. Pink ones is pure lotus paste.

My Information Management assignment mark is out, wow... this lecturer is so strict in his marking, I only got 60, was expecting a 70++. The highest only 61. Quite disappointed.. oh well... it's over, now waiting for my exam result...

ONE YEAR... [ ... ]-24.09.2004, Friday
Lee called me, guess what?!??!?! His mobile phone battery is also dead!!! Worst he couldn't even charge it at all, at least mine could still charge, maybe still have some life in it, if I didn't get the battery changed, guess I'll be encountering this too. It seemed like the battery only has a lifetime of a year. It's not because I was hooking on the phone for hours, it's just that it's its time to die ahahahah... so Kev... it's not your fault LOL... by the way, saw one pretty cool phone, Sony Ericsson(couldn't recall the model, K700i if not mistaken), the one with optical zoom camera built-in. At first I thought it's a camera but it's not hahaah... Am I going to buy this??? Maybe yes, maybe no, so far this catches my attention. *hint*hint*, dear????

Went to Green Hill Cafe for dinner with my family, had beef kueh tiau(soup), one my my fav. No picture coz didn't bring the cam and also the card is full ;-) no time to transfer all the photos yet. Despite the heavy rain, the Mooncake Festival Celebration was not dampened. Still many ppl pouring in. I didn't go there coz it's raining, hard to walk and have to park so far away.

After that wanted to go to Sarawak Plaza, there's an Americam eatery opened. It was packed. The main thing we went there just want to window shop after dinner but couldn't even find a single parking place, so we went to Hock Lee and parked at the basement, Gossshhh... the basement parking place is such a... how to say??? This is the first time we parked there, usually we parked outside. Not going to park there anymore.Very smelly too.

I went to a boutique to look at a belt, I had been looking at it for quite sometimes, I went in there without a single cash only my credit card. I saw the price RM59.90. Hmmm... not buying, I still consider it expensive and I'm just plain lazy to bargain, so this proved that I don't really need it ;-p. Phew... luckily I didn't buy it, they only accpet Mastercard!!! Mine is a Visa!!!

WHAT ANIMAL ARE U??? [ ... ]-22.09.2004, Wednesday
What kind of animal are you?

This is my result, I'm a GOLD PEGAGUS!!!
You are Gold Pegasus, who is extremely cheerful and seems like a very open person.
>>>Hmmm...can say so but depends on who I am with.
You can show consideration to others, and have a good sense of humor.
>>>Yes I am.
You are also a person who doesn't want to loose.
>>>Of course, I want to WIN WIN WIN, who want to losse????
However, you can be very temperamental, and can suddenly become optimistic, and next minute you are very pessimistic.
>>>100% agree!!!
You look for fancy atmosphere in daily life, but you know that is only to cover up for your own dissatisfaction and discontent.
You possess unworldly bilateral character.
>>>Hmmm... what does this means?
You have very unique personality, and people who like you and those who don't are clearly divided.
>>>Very true
You tend to be audacious, but you must be careful when you use it.
>>>I guess so...
Because Gold Pegasus people tend to be divided into those who exhibit great talent and those who can go stray from the right path.
>>>Yeah yeah...
Unlike your confident attitude, you are rather too nervous, sensitive and can easily change or give up your objectives.
>>>yes yes... sometimes...
Your natural instinct is fabulous, and you have a passionate personality.
>>>Can say so.. hahaha.. praising myself
You tend to lead life with lots of emotional ups and downs.
>>>I'm very emotional, sensitive, can be a cry baby too ahahahha...
You dislike being restricted, and prefer to enjoy freedom, and this will not change even after you get married.
>>>More than agree ahha... obviously from my choice of partner hahahaha...
Therefore there is a chance of you getting divorced.
>>>I hope not...

TO THE RESCUE!!! [ ... ]-20.09.2004, Monday
Supposed to be meeting Audrey for lunch, then about 10am++, heavy rain. We both thought,"Oh no... how to meet each other like that? No umbrellas, heavy rain summore.". Then suddenly she said Khoon Howe will be having lunch with us also, then she came out with the idea that asked him to fetch us from office hahhaha...

So, he came to fetch me, I thought Audrey was in the car coz he's supposed to fetch her 1st, then me but she's not in the car, she was already waiting for us at the coffee shop. Phew... luckily Khoon Howe join us for lunch, if not I couldn't go anywhere to have lunch. Good thing... no need to walk hahaahh... Thanks to him.

This is the first time we had lunch together without our "gang" members, we're from 3 different "gangs"...

MACRO [ ... ]-19.09.2004, Sunday
Went to Serian to visit my grandparents. Tooks quite a number of cool photos... never realized that macro mode can be so much fun. Took photos of flowers and some with insects on them, summore it's taken after the rain and good natural lighting really helps a lot because using this mode, flash is disabled. Very nice... will upload them when I'm free.

Oh ya... since it's almost mooncake festival, here's another type of mooncake that my mom bought, don't know how to actually called them, all I know it's another type of mooncake, LOL...:

It's Sunday... tomorrow is Monday... another working day again... I'm not looking forward to it!!!! Sigh... Am I lazy 0r what???

SOOOO... [ ... ]-18.09.2004, Saturday
Sooooo... Don't know how to say... discussing a new project, and for goodness sake... it's such a simple thing and he made it looked so complicated and hard to understand. Long winding... went round the earth and what he actually wanted can be summarized into one or two sentences. He's making me so confuse, couldn't even make sense of what he's saying... At the end, the main point is actually wanted me to create a main page that have links to allow ppl to log in and also links that link to other pages. That's all!!!! Duh... because of that, overtime again... 20 minutes, I'm so hungry!!! I don't mind if he kept on repeating if I got his point but I didn't.

Went to Myhouse Steamboat again, this time with my family. Again, 1 hour after the steamboat session, I wanted to vomit, too full... luckily this time is not that bad compare to the previous month. Now then I noticed that I actually went there once a month, hopefully next month no more. Some photos from the steamboat session:
From L-R: Barley Lime, it's actually tinned barley with 2 lime slices added. Fresh orange juice and watermelon juice. The two juices' colors looked pretty bright coz stupid me that I forgot to change the camera's ISO setting, should be using auto mode and not ISO400.

CHICKEN & DUCK [ ... ]-17.09.2004, Friday
Tough day today, thought that getting the button is will ensure smooth sailing of the day but who knows because of some technical matter and is out of my reach and he doesn't understand it causes some misunderstanding btw the boss and I. I understood what he wanted and only that I have a different way of understanding it, he thought that I didn't get him and we had quite a heated "discussion" during my lunch break... Sigh... he took away my 20 minutes lunch break!!! Then after that, he went back to his office, I MSN with my friends and I don't car,e I surf and chat until 2pm, lunch break was supposed to be over at 1:45pm. I don't care!!!

Then I followed what he wanted and done it. Thought that enough for the day, then come again another that is impossible to do since he wanted it fast and want it to be looked like the one in another website. He asked me to use the previous source to modified, fine... Im happy with that, nothing much to do just changed the image and the code a bit, but then he wanted it to looked like the sample he showed me which require me to do from scratch, I told him I can't, it'll take too much time. He didn't understand and insist on it! So I tried to do it to show him how hard it is, he didn't really trust me and ask my colleague opinion, same answer given to him, finally he agreed.

Then one very stupid thing, wanted me to show a white outline on a white background?!?!!?!?!? I'm too tired to think about it, so stupid that I followed what he said, then noticed that it's impossible. I told him, he just smiled. My goodness... today having headache starting from 3pm or so... hope that I will not fall sick, one of my colleague is sick too, yesterday he got a headache then today took a morning leave and came to work in the afternoon.

Then 5:30pm time to go home... suddenly boss wanted to discuss a new project... oh my... I couldn't concentrate anymore, headache... so I sat just kept on nodding. When almost 6pm then he said,"Ok.. u quickly go back", LOL... could be he noticed that I'm not concentrate on what he's talking about so no point to continue ehhehe...

Quite an eventful day today.

STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...[ ... ]-16.09.2004, Thursday
All because of a menu! Mouseover, mouseover... sigh... basic mouseover no problem but the boss wanted a more sophisticated one, I spent the whole morning and afternoon, almost 90% of the day at work just to figure out how. I know Flash can do it but I had forgotten everything about it. Not even a single bit. So I tried ImageReady, to no avail... tried Fireworks, same thing, tried to find free templates from the web, nothing... all simple mouseover.

I tried to recall... very very hard... nothing I can recall from Flash!!!! On and off these programs, looking high and low in the net, nothing... spend my whole day worrying about it. Ask me colleague as suggested by my boss(coz I tried to pursue him to drop that idea but instead he asked me to ask my colleague, he's assuming they knew... sigh... that's the problem when u work with ppl that do not know this technical stuffs) also nothing, they don't even know about how to do this thing. So damn stress out!

I MSN Guan asked him about it, and he actually did it but too bad he close it without saving. Thought of using his sample to modify or rather see hoe the logic works ahhahaah... oh well.. it's 5:30pm, time to go home. Reached home, after taking my shower and relax, then everything came back to me!!!! I guess I was too stress out until cannot think... See... that's why I said I don't work well under pressure! Good thing also Lee borrowed me his Photoshop and Fireworks books, after I went tru' them then I notice why am I so stupid? It's so easy to do, only that more works need to be done but it's not hard. Must be I'm too stress out and I cannot think properly. Hopefully everything goes smoothly tomorrow.

I'm so tired... so sleepy... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

SO FORGETFUL [ ... ]-15.09.2004, Wednesday
My... my... I'm so absent minded. I just rememebered that yesterday I had my nasi lemak and forgot to get the change back from the lady.... RM8!!!! It cost RM2, I gave her RM10, she forgot the change and me too, it was lunch time and was a lot of ppl, I forgot all about the change... then after eating just went directly back to office. I only realised it this morning while having my breakfast. I guess I'm too tired until I'm so absent minded. Forget about it, lazy to get it back, "suak liau"... let it be.

My splash page is accepted by the client, he likes it! Good... one down and more to go...

I WANT TO QUIT![ ... ]-13.09.2004, Monday
OMG... I feel like wanting to quit this job... so tired... so sleepy... sigh... only started for not even 1 weeks and I had enough already!!! Maybe I'm still not used to it yet. Really feel dread going to work, or maybe today is Monday and I'm having Monday bluessss... LOL

Compare to other friends, my job is not so bad but I just don't feel like working under/for ppl... feelling as if always being watched and really no flexibiltity at all... very stress... wonder how long I can hang in this job??? If next year I really want to continue with my master degree, I will quit my job 1st and study full time(or I might quit already before next year... hahha... I don't know how the future will be... just wait and see...), judging from the situation I am in now, I really can't handle it if study and work at the same time. Really salute those ppl that work and study at the same time.

Sigh... going to lunch today alone... everyone went home coz they all stay nearby, I live the furthest. Not in time to go home to have lunch :( so lonely...

:( MY PHONE GOT PROBLEM... [ ... ]-11.09.2004, Saturday
My mobile phone got problem... it started on Tuesday. The battery flat out too fast, problem with the battery, it was fully charged then sent out one sms, one bar missing, then got a phone call, another bar missing, left one final bar. Luckily Kevin didn't call, if not talk half way I'll be cut off.

Until today... since my dad is free, he brought it to replace the battery but was replaced with non-original battery, the original ones is the same price as the phone... nutsss... I think I better change a new phone. For the time being, bare with it first until I find a phone to replace this one. Not sure about Lee's phone, he bought the same phone as I did and one week after I bought mine. Thinking of looking for a colour phone with camera now... I'm still going for Motorola if possible. I only used it for 1 year and 5 days only.

Why spoilt so fast???? Maybe... hmmm... talking on the phone for too long. LOL... everytime Kevin called me, the conversation will always lasted for at least 1 hour
straight or so. If he called me 3 times a day, then it'll be about 3 hours per day. Didn't know that this will spoilt the battery. HAHAAH... I wonder... how much radiation I got from this...???? For heaven's sake, Kev... buy me a new phone, if not becuase of you, it wouldn't "retire" so fast... ahahah... just joking...

These are my phone statistics from 5 Sept 2003 to 11 Sept 2004(what to call it? Up to you...)>>>
Dialled calls>>> 01:24:11
Received calls>>> 13:01:13 (eh... notice the number? Start with 13 end with 13... nice..., if not for Kevin... I don't think it'll clock this much ahhaah... Miss you dear...)
All calls>>> 14:25:24 (another numbers... 14 and 24, 25 and 24)
From the 3 figures, only made up of 0,1,2,3,4,5. Wow... interesting...
SMSs>>> Too many lost track...
Credit>>>RM290.73 (most ppl see this figure will be so shocked... how and why on earth I have so much credit ahahaha... coz I seldom call only sms, that's why...)

Ok... enough about my phone, since Mooncake Festival is coming, here's another mooncake:
This is "tao sa"(How to call this in english??? Is it red bean? Red bean is "ang tao"...???) paste.

PUBLIC HOLIDAY TOMORROW!!!! [ ... ]-10.09.2004, Friday
Went to Chung Lin Plaza to have lunch with my collegue and met Audrey there, she's working too. Where she worked not quite sure coz didn't get her very clearly as the coffee shop is very noisy and it seemed like we're reading lips instead of hearing hahahaha...

I didn't know tomorrow is a public holiday, I was stunned when my mom asked me am I working tomorrow, as far as I know, it seemed like everyone is talking about going to work tomorrow and no one realized that it's a public holiday tomorrow. I quickly sms my colleague and asked him whether are we working tomorrow, he said NO!!! We follow government holiday. OH... good... can have my sleep, my dark circle is getting darker and darker like a panda. Sum more, the weather these few days are very cooling. Nice weather to sleep in... I miss my sleep LOL!!!

It's quite busy this few days because a new project is coming in and I'm incharge of getting the documentation done and also come out with the designs.

MEET THE CLIENT [ ... ]-09.09.2004, Thursday
Went to meet the client withmy boss. This client wants to revamp their site. After that, it's noon and it's time for lunch. Had my lunch with my boss. Thought of going back to the office then will go to lunch but I couldn't stand it anymore so hungry coz this morning only had a cup of Nestum and a slice of bread. So ended up having lunch with my boss at Lemon Tree a new coffee shop near Parkson. Had laksa and hmmm... RM3 quite expensive and the qty is not much. Doesn't taste that good.

1ST DAY @ WORK [ ... ]-08.09.2004, Wednesday
No jam... yipee... next time no need to go so early. I reached there very early today. Playing around with Swish... weird... at first no problem, I can do lots of animation without problem. Funny thing is that, I try to do it again after lunch break, there're are warning and required me to debug, so weird... spend most of my time try to see what's actually the problem was, nothing... sigh... HELP!!! Left at around 5:33pm and good thing again... no jam. The jams all occurred at the oppsite directions. Phew... count me lucky... ahhahahha...

My car is so big that took up the whole car porch. Coz the boss said I could park my car in the car porch and he didn't expect me to drive a Pajero, LOL... so tommorrow cannot park there anymore, have to park somewhere else. So today partially done the newsletter layout, storyboard, and some designs on Photoshop. Really have to quickly adapt to Swish, it's not hard but it's weird with that message kept coming out... sigh...

2ND INTERVIEW [ ... ]-06.09.2004, Monday
Went there at 1pm from my house, reached there before 1:30pm, coz no jam on the way there but traffic jam the opposite direction, phew... luckily no need to get stuck in the traffic. The office door was locked. Everyone went out to lunch, I was supposed to be there at 2pm but I reached there earlier. So I waited for about 15 minutes and decided to call the office, who knows someone might pick it up? Yeah... there's someone pick up the phone, it's the boss.

In his room he started to asked me questions about graphic desings and multimedia. Then showed me a few samples and asked me can I do that, I said no problem but need to polish up my skills, haven't do those for ages. I thought he'll be asking me to do the designs and so on to show it to him but no need. We had talks about so many things, basically we're just chatting to get to know each other, then I asked questions about the company's policy and so. After that, he told me that I'm in and will be giving me 2 weeks probation. Starting salary RM800. At first I told him I could start work on Tuesday, then I changed my mind coz I need to settle some of my personal stuff 1st and asked for next week but they wanted me to start this week, so after negotiating, I'll start on Wednesday, at least on Tuesday and can settle my things and to wake up late LOL... The jobs I'll be doing are designs and multimedia and maybe web programming, as long that it's not software programming.

So after that, that's it, it's about 45 minutes for the whole session. Reached home before 3pm. So in conclusion, I got the job and will be starting the day after tommorrow.

REALLY LOOKED ALIKE... [ ... ]-05.09.2004, Sunday
Went to a dinner function hosted by KPA(Kuching Port Authority) with my family at Lok Thian. I suddenlly realised that I have a few friends working at KPA and another one at PortTrade(subsidiary company of KPA, if not mistaken). Trying to look around to see is there anyone I know. While having the dinner, my sis and mom went to the washroom, immediately after that, Angela and her friend went to the washroom too, I saw her and sms her. After my sis came back to the table, I asked her whether she saw Angela or not, now then she realized that the one standing behind her is Angela and Angela was having some sort of funny reaction on her face this is because my sis and I looked alike, she might thought that it's me but it's not. No wonder... Angela replied my sms, "So the one in the toilet just now is your sis." Really caught her in surprise...

HAPPY B'DAY 2 ME... [ ... ]-04.09.2004, Saturday
Getting one year older... 22... nothing much today, some how Lee really gave me a surprise... thanks to him... he bought a present for me, the 1st time after knowing him for years ahhahaah... I didn't expect it, he called me around 5:30pm and said that he's downstair and asked me to go down to meet him. I thought he was joking and he's at home. So after a few confirmations, I went down, he was there! Really surprise. See what he got me... a yellow rose paper weight, how does he knows I like yellow rose??? I told no one before, not even my sis. It's just a co-incident.
Thanks again... appreciate it. This is the third gift I got from a guy. First was a photoframe from a net friend in Miri, send me tru' post in the year 1999 or 2000??? Can't recall. Second a Starbucks Barista Bear from a net friend in KL tru' post also, in the year 2001 or 2002 cannot recall too. This is the first time I got it from a guy that I know personally. Hey... Lee.. you know what yellow rose meant? It means friendship forever(if I'm not mistaken... read it somewhere before).

At night went to Hong Kong Noodle House for dinner with my family, the place was so packed, dinner time that's why, it's so hard to find a place to sit finally one table is free. Forgot to bring the camera along, ehehe... nothing much. After dinner, window shop around Saberkas. Then went home.

CAN YOU COME ON 6/9/2004??? [ ... ]-03.09.2004, Friday
Tu... tu... tu... tu... "Hello..."
"May I speak to Irene?"
"Yes, speaking..."
"I'm calling from Xxx&Xxx, I discussed with my boss yesterday and he said he wanted to test you on your skills. Can you come on 6/9?"
"Huh??? Test me??? Test on what skill?"
"Should be Photoshop and Dreamweaver."
"Hmmm... what time?"
"Around 2pm, it will last about 2-3 hours."
"Photoshop and Dreamweaver??? 2-3 hours??? Hmmm... uh... ok... shouldn't be a problem. Will give it a try."
"So, see you on Monday."
"Ok, thanks."

AHHHHH!!!! Hin lor.. hin lor... test my skills! I hate test! Can I perform that day? I don't really work well under supervision ... hope that they'll leave me alone... I like to work alone. Oh my... now I have to think of where to find a parking place, how to avoid jams when I'm not even familiar with the traffic there, what time should I go... hahaha... all I'm worry about are these, so funny... Dreamweaver and Photoshop... hopefully only these two, not others and hope that I can come out with something... I don't like to be tested!!!! Stresss... What to do? Looking for job like this will require u to take some tests... sigh... test... test... test... Arghhhh... at least not prgramming test.

My dad said that if they hire me, ask for higher salary ;), so far away, lots of jam and petrol now is so expensive, so hard to find parking also, that's his reasons. Ahahahaha... actually when I got the call from them to go to the 1st interview that day, my dad and I tried to look for the company's location, found it! The 1st thing he told me is that, "No need to get a job here.", I just said, "Since they already called, just go there and have look first."

Kuching Festival 2004 album is ready.

INTERVIEW [ ... ]-02.09.2004, Thursday
Went to the interview at 11am. Really having a problem filling in the form not only that, going to that place too. LOL... I couldn't remember most of the details that required. What the heck??? Just write whatever I could remember.Besides I had submitted my resume already, everything is in there.

Ok... I kinda stucked with the question of what architecture to used for a website, I've forgotten what the answer supposed to be though I asked my friends before and they had given me the answer, it was long time ago, wiped out from my "hard disk" already. It should be something about ASP or PHP or Linux or Windows... blah.. blah... but I gave a different answer, it's like chicken and duck talking.

Not only that, another funny thing was, he asked me to give him my rating for each software on how good I am in it in the scale of 1-10, somehow I got too carried away or just didn't pay much attention(really not sure why???), I actually told him the version that I used for those software, he was like, "What's wrong with her? I'm asking her this and she gave me other answers", then he said, "I want u to tell me how good u are in these software, not the version", It was so embarassing LOL..."Oppppsss.. ok.. sorry about that."

Then he told me that the main thing they're looking for is programming skills(D*** it!!! I hate programming!!!), web programmer, so it requires me to do programming such as PHP and ASP. My goodness... I'm so blur about this thing but it shouldn't be so hard right? Hmmm... at least there's a place to start learning these since I want to learn them too rather than starting with nothing and luckily it's not software programming. I hate the word "programming", I don't know why... getting so fed up with it, I think I have "issues" with this word, hahahaah... I was told that I might be called for second interview or they'll inform me if I got the job.

Suddenly now... I feel that I would rather continue studying or start freelancing and doing business tru' the net(flexibility is all I need, I don't like fixed and repetitive tasks. I perform better with flexibilties, all these years, it's proven for me!) than working with ppl(can't find any space for flexibility... sigh... everyday 9 hours, start and end at the same time, the same place... start so early in the morning and the location is so far from my place... have to wake up so early and that location is so messy... lots of jam everywhere and problem with finding parking place too). Wonder... wonder... if I accept the job, how long will I be able to hang in there??? Maybe I'm just not ready for the working world yet but at least have to start somewhere... sigh... really hope that can find somewhere nearer... or something with flexibility... where???

Oh well... maybe just give it a shot... "Belum cuba belum tahu"...
Ahahaaha... my friend even said that since I'm so fussy about looking for a job, just get married and that's it.

IS UR COMPANY HIRING??? [ ... ]-01.09.2004, Wednesday
Calling up several companies to inquire whether they are hiring or not. Got one reply and asking me to go to the interview tomorrow. The place is quite hard to find especially when I'm not familiar with that area.

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