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Chapter 3: Just For Kicks

Gabriel's mother walked in the front door wearily. She was worn out from her day at work. They kept her busy at that horrible job as a waitress. It made Gabriel sick that her mother was reduced to bringing people food like some sort of slave just so they could pay the bills.

Gabriel shut off the vacuum and ran to the front door to give her mother a hug and a kiss,"How was your day?" she asked.

Her mother sighed as she deposited her purse on the dining room table,"Just another hectic day. Did the hospital call?" she asked changing the subject.

Gabriel shook her head,"No word on the blood tests yet." she mumbled as she stared at her feet.

Her mother lifted her head up by placing her finger under her daughters chin,"Come now, none of that. All smiled today Gabs." her mother said smiling to encourage her.

Gabriel took notice of the concern wrinkled around her mothers eyes and mouth when she smiled. Maybe she wasn't worn out from work. Maybe she was just worn out from her daughter. Maybe it was just her entire life. First a dead husband and now a sick daughter who the doctors don't know what's wrong with. It's enough to drive a mother crazy.

Nonetheless, Gabriel managed to force a smile through her troubles and worries,"Sorry mom."

Her mother patted her head,"That's better. No put that vacuum away and go out and have fun. Be a teenager for crying outloud!" she scolded playfully.

"Okay mom I'll go out in a minute, just let me finish what I started okay?" she asked.

Her mother opened the front door and smiled,"No. Now get out of this house and have some fun before I throw you out!"

Gabriel grinned, this time with less effort. She grabbed her windbreaker off of the back of a chair in the dining room. She stopped at the door and turned around,"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? I mean, I am still waiting for my blood results." she reminded.

Her mother nodded,"I'm positive, now scoot!"

Gabriel sauntered down the sidewalk with no particular destination in mind. She just walked and thought. She thought about her bloodwork mostly. She wondered what was wrong with her and if the doctors could fix it. She wondered if they couldn't and then she would die. But, she couldn't die. Who would take care of the house for mom? Who would talk to mom and keep her company?

Stop it she told herself, you don't even know what's wrong and you're not going to die.

She thought of her mom. Sitting all alone in the house and waiting for the phone to ring to see what was wrong with her only daughter. Her only form of compassion left in this saddened world. The only one who mother lived every day and worked every job for. Gabriel gave her mom a purpose.

As these thoughts ran through Gabriel's head she had started to slow down. She was walking so slow that she was barely moving. She stopped for a minute. I'm going to go and sit with mom. She shouldn't be alone right now. she thought turning around.

"Hey Gabbers!" she heard a voice from behind her scream.

She stopped and turned back to the original direction that she was facing. It was Zac hanging out of the back of Isaac's car. Taylor and Ike were in the front seats, Isaac driving of course.

"Hey, it's little man!" she laughed as she walked to the curb as the car pulled up.

"I'm not little!" Zca yelled.

Taylor leaned over in the passenger seat to stare at Gabriel through Isaac's window,"Hey Gabby." he grinned.

"Hey Tay." she said giving him a little wave.

"I said I'm not little!" Zac squealed in her ear and then ducked back in the window to avoid any chance of getting hit.

"And I'm not Gabbers." she replied laughing. She turned her attention back to the front seat,"So what are you guys doing out and about?" she asked curiously.

Isaac smiled,"We're going to rent..."

"We're renting movies!" Taylor cut him off.

Isaac turned to face his brother,"You know Tay, it's really annoying how you cut people off when they are trying to talk." Isaac lectured before punching his arm.

Taylor leapt out of the car,"I yell abuse!" he screamed,"Rape!"

Isaac rolled his eyes,"Tay, that's nasty! I would not try to rape you, you're my brother you perverted ass."

"We're going to get ice cream too right?" Zac chimed from the back seat. No one payed any attention.

"Besides Tay," Gabriele spoke,"in the event of rape you yell fire, not rape." she informed him.

"Well, you know, I'm really behind on my classes at the Rape Intervention Center." he smiled leaning his arms on the hood of the car.

"Ike! We're getting ice cream too right?" Zac asked louder to attract some attention. His attempt was unsuccessful, however.

Isaac rolled his eyes and looked back at Gabriel,"You're welcome to come along." he offered.

"Um," she hesitated as she though about.

Zac started to kick Isaac's seat,"Ike! Ice cream! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I want ice cream!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he continued to kick Isaac's seat.

Isaac turned around and slapped his brother upside the head,"I heard you Zac! Ice cream! Yes, we are going to get ice cream!" he yelled.

Zac crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat,"Good." he said satisfied with himself.

"So, you coming Gabby?" Tay called over the car to her.

"Sure, I guess so." she said remembering her mothers words to have fun.

"Cool." Isaac smiled as he started the car again.

Gabriel walked around the car and started to open the back door.

Taylor coughed and held the front door open,"Ladies first." he said motioning for her to get in the front seat.

She grinned as she finished pulling the back door open,"So go ahead and sit down already." she joked as she took a seat in the back. The seat that she originally intended on taking.

Zac cracked up,"She called you a girl, Tay! Go Gabbers!"

Taylor sat down in the front,"That wasn't funny." he pouted crossing his arms and throwing a silent pity party.

Gabriel leaned over the seat and wrapped her arms around Tays neck,"Just kidding! You know I love you more than my Sketchers." She paused,"Okay, my Adidas shoes." she joked.

Taylor started to laugh,"You're insane."

"She is." Isaac laughed as he rounded a corner.

"Huh? Me? Crazy?" she asked in mock shock,"I am not. I hust have the urge to sometimes choke people." she menaced as she tightened her grip on Taylor's neck.

Zac laughed harder,"Kill him! I want the good bed!"

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