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Have you ever heard a heart break? Now you may be thinking, Isaac, a heart can't break because it's a muscle. That's not true. I heart can break, just like a bone. And just like a bone, a heart can heal. And just like a bone, the scar is still there. You are always reminded of that break.

The heart is defined as an emotional center in the dictionary. A break is defined as something becoming unusable or inoperative. So if you would think that would leave me with a better understanding of a broken heart, it doesn't. I do understand one thing though. Despite popular belief, a broken heart won't kill you. You can not die of an emotionally broken heart. How do I know? Because I, Isaac Hanson, have a broken heart. Yet I am still here.

Confused yet? You should be. I have been nothing but confused since this whole thing happened. Yet, I am going to try to tell you my story to the best of my ability. It may be hard for you to read, but I had to live it. No matter how much I want to deny it, these events actually happened. Some may make you want to laugh, some may make you want to cry. But above all, I am hoping to make you think.

Think of what? Your friends. Have you ever taken time out just to thank your friends for actually being your friends? I never did, but maybe if I had I wouldn't be in this mess.

Her name was Gabriel, like the angel. She was an angel, to everyone, including me. She wasn't an angel all of the time though. In fact, she was sometimes known to hate me. I guess that's what happens when you let fame go to your head. Now, I can only regret not being a true friend to Gabriel Green.

What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger right? Like I said before, a broken heart won't kill you. But I don't believe that it has made me stronger either.

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