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If God had a refrigerator,
your picture would be on it.



If God had a wallet,

your photo would be in it.


God sends you flowers every spring                               

and a sunrise every morning.

When you want to talk,

God will listen.

God could live anywhere in the universe--

God chose your heart.

And what about that Christmas gift

God sent you in Bethlehem?

Face it, my friend,

God's just crazy about you!



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     If you do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior why not invite Him
into your heart right now?  The words are so simple.   He has been waiting
your whole lifetime to heart them.  He offers no condemnation... His
forgiveness will set you free.  Won't you whisper to Him now:

Jesus, I am a sinner asking forgiveness for my sins.  I am lost and want to
be found.  I want to know You for who and what You really are.  Please come
into my heart.  Live your life in me and teach me how to live mine in You. 
Take charge of my life and give it meaning.  Take charge of my heart and give
it worth.  Take charge of my eternity that I may spend it with You.  Make of
me what you want.  Amen.

Now you need to tell someone .... anyone....that you just gave your life to
Jesus.  There is great and wonderful reason for doing that.  If you don't
have someone you can tell, please tell me.  Write me at   
May God bless you with all you have need of as you walk in love, forgiveness
and Godly service~

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The Cold Within Rugged Cross Forgiven Daniel Remembering Hurricane
Little Girls Prayer  If God Price of a Miracle Judge Gently Star's Home Diana's Home
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