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scrollbar-arrow-color: #C0C0FF; scrollbar-base-color: #F0DBD6; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #F0DBD6; scrollbar-track-color: #F0DBD6; } Arminda's Page


Arminda is named after her great-great grandmother, my grandpa's mom. Sue is Aunt Heather's middle name. (Heather was named after our Aunt Jackie Sue)

Everyone asks us what we call her, my great grandmother was called Minnie, but I really love the name Arminda, so that is what we always call her. She is an Arminda through and through. My sister (Aunt Heather) however, often calls her "Sue". Now, I wonder why?

Arminda is the world to me. After having lost Quinn and Gavin, her birth was truly a joyous occasion! I have added Arminda's birth story here if you would like to read it.

Obviously, I haven't been keeping the site updated. This was wrote back in 2004! Lydia had Mrs. Bowen for Kindergarten too, and she is still wonderful!

Arminda will be a first grader this year! I can't belive how old she is getting! She says she doesn't want to go into first grade, she wants to stay in Kindergarten with her beloved Mrs. Bowen! I think she will do fine in first grade though.

One of Arminda's current obsessions in Spiderman. She is absolultely in love with him. She thinks she might marry him some day. Mary Jane wants to marry him, but he has allready kissed Arminda "at least 100 times, when we were little." Yeah, she is a little boy crazy allready!

We had Arminda's picture taken in October, I thought she looked pretty cute!

Here are some pictures I took of Arminda modeling a few of her Princess dresses. I think she looks pretty cute!

That's my little Princess Arminda!

Arminda at her first ballet class, she was so excited!


This is Arminda's one year picture that we didn't get taken until she was thirteen months (but don't tell her!) My mother bought her this dress, isn't it just beautiful!

This is a picture of Arminda at 3 months. Doesn't she look sweet?

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