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Corey Joseph's Page!!!!!!

Corey told me that I need do update his page, so I guess I better start working on that! He had a new picture taken the other day, so I will try to get that up at least. He has also informed me that there are some spelling errors. Maybe I should have him do his own page!
Corey was born on June 12, 1992, so he is -twelve now and going in to seventh grade. I can't belive how fast these years are flying by!

Corey absolutely adores his littlest baby sister. The feeling seems to be mutual. Corey is definetely one of Lydia's favorite people. Her little face lights up when he walks into the room.

When Corey found out I was pregnant,he said, "I am going to have to throw you a shower." He then sat down and made out a guest list, and a list of things that he would need to get (napkins, plates, streamers, food etc). My sister, Heather, helped him plan the party. Corey bought me an exercauser with his own money. He is such a sweet boy! The party went very well. I had a lot of fun.

Corey loves to play his Game Boy.He tries to take it everywhere we go. His favorite game is Pokemon (red, yellow, gold,Saphire or silver). Just when he has completed one, they come out with a new version that he just has to have! Whenever we get together with my brother, David, he and Corey can be seen huddled together with their Game Boys linked trading Pokemon. In other words, a true bonding experience!

Corey's current obsession is Roller Coaster Tycoon and the Sims. He can play that game for hours on end! I've tried it, and I also find it quite addictive. Brian was turning off the computer the other day, and he got caught up in a game too! Corey even taught Arminda how to play.

My father is an avid bike collector (yeah, I know, what do you do with 100 bikes?!) and he showed Corey the new Schwinn Stingray Orange County Chopper bike at Toys R Us (they were holding it for someone). Corey was determined to own this bike, so he saved his money up, took odd jobs helping his Grandma and Grandpa around their house, and managed to save up enough to buy "The Coolest Bike in The World" (really, it is, have you seen it?). When we finally found one (which was not easy!) we picked it up and Corey was wheeling it to the car. The Toys R Us happens to be right next door to a Harley Davidson dealership, as Corey was going past, all the guys in the shop came to the window to look out at Corey's bike. It was pretty funny! Every time he takes it out to ride it, there are shouts of, "Sweet bike, Cool bike!" etc.. Corey just smiles and says, "I know." I will have to take a picture of him with it and put it up here. I made the background of this page from a picture of the Stingray.

Ok, enough chat, here are some pictures!

Can you believe how handsome he is! This is his newest picture, taken July 2004. (Can you belive I allready put it on the site!)

corey in Tie

I was taking Arminda in to get her picture taken, but Corey was so excited about learning to tie his tie, that he wanted his picture taken too! Ok, Uncle David, let's get rid of those clip-ons!

This is Corey playing Jenga with his Great-Grandma in Florida. We play Jenga with Grandma whenever we go down there, but the last time, we forgot to bring it with us, so we bought her one to keep. She has probably been practicing! Watch out Corey!

This is Corey and me on "The Mean Streak" at Cedar Point three summers ago. That boy is a roller coaster nut! He talked me into riding in the front if the "Gemini"! He says that he feels like he was born on a rollercoaster! About a month after this trip, my Mom and my sister (Aunt Heather) took him back, and he rode on every rollercoaster he was tall enough for. We went back this summer, and with a little help from Aunt Heather's Skecher's, he was tall enough for every ride! Wonderful aunt that she is, Heathter traded shoes with Corey, because Skecher's have a thicker sole than most shoes. She got to wear his sweaty old Reeboks

Arminda's Page
Corey's Birth Story