The door is heavy and you open it slowly and cautiously, not knowing what will lie behind it.
Silently you slip into the new room, closing the door after you with a resounding thud that
breaks the silence.
Looking around you see a door leading out of the room; straight before you and an archwayto your left leading to a flight of stairs that will take you to the next level of the castle.
The room itself is of little consequence and the only funishing is a large couch to your right; on the floor beside which is a crystal decanter filled with a dark crimson liquid and a silver goblet.
...If you wish you may sit and drink for a while as you contemplate your next move; whether to continue further into the castle or to return to the library...
You settle on the couch...
You choose the door before you...
You follow the stairs upwards...
You decide to return to the library...
...Or leave the castle entirely?