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Pretty Hair

So you've got an Ally McBeal...what now? ; )

The Big Bob.

An easy look that will seperate those who happen to have black hair form those who are goths.
All you need is...
A pair of crimpers.
Some time and patience.

Simply crimp 1-2" sections of hair all over your head (this can take up to around 20 minutes or more), then tip your head upside down and add a fine mist of hairspray.
A little back combing at the crown and then smaoothing down with a wide toothed comb and there you go...a pretty, gothy style...
Add little pigtails, a tiara or barrets to make it a little different.

Cyber Child.

Again, time and practise is required...
Get loads of little flurescent colored hair elastics and put all your hair into little ponytails all over for an ultra clubby look...


The same as the cyber look, but this time use clear or natural colored hair elastics, and once you have finished all the ponytails, plait them all and bind the ends with another elastic...then use a little wax or gel to smooth over the plaits and keep them sleek.
I mush prefer this to the cyber look, although it can be tedious as it takes a lot longer to do, but with patience and practice it's fine...

Quick fixes.

A tiara will revive a boring hair day.
Two little pig tails at the back that use only the top half of the hair, put up and then tied with ribbons looks tottaly sweet and faery like.
Add lots of hair clips to hold your hair all up for a groovy, messy, semi-labyrinth look.
never go oput with flat unwashed hair if u can help it, if you really can't b bothered washing your hair then crimp it up into a big bob and put it into little ponytails and adda little tiara...and it will look instantly better, not least because you don't have greasy hair in your face.
If you are really bored and have a little time, then why not dye your hair and drastically change the color, it's an instant pick me up and way fun!


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