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Those who helped...

To all those who I owe thanx to,

I probably haven't mentioned half the people I should in this letter so I will begin by everyone who has in anyway touched my life I thank you all. In me you can see part of the mark that you are leaving on this world and I hope I make you all proud to know that it is you, the people I know in my life, that make me who I am and aid my life's direction.

...To Poul...who thru his passing on of the puter knowledge he accquired in college allowed me to create what you have experienced...thanks rock!

...Also remembering Dean my little sweetheart, Dave and Sir guys rock...*giggles*, Jelly for his great discounts in Woolies, Don for always saying the sweetest things, Colin for always being so cool, Chris for being beautiful, Je and Nonna for putting up with me for so long, Kath for her support thru this year, my sister Vicki cos she has to live with me the poor love...and because she is a constant glittery inspiration to me, Emma W. for being there thru english and classics always...u r so cool my dear, Sara, even though she is really my sisters friend..cos she is soooo funny and understands the Drew thing, and Mr Molko, Paige Haley and Drew Barrymore for always being so beautiful and there for me to look at when I feel down, and everyone I know and love from the Haven who brightened up many a mundane day at uni.

...and no...I did not forget...Avvy, Kizz and Simon...
You guys rock and you have been so good to me since we first met in the Haven...thank you for all the love and support you gave me over you know who...and I hope our friendship will continue...
Avvy, you are the best and although we are far apart I love you and send all the glittry kisses I can...and Kizz and you I send glitter and fluff and guys are the best...I love you and miss you when you dissappear into reality...

lastly...I must thank Nick...
You are the greatest and I thank you for your friendship and support. You always cheer me up when I feel crap and you always know what to say. You have had to put up with so much crap from me since first we met and I wanted everyone to know how much I appreciate you.
Even though you live so far away from me i love you just as much as if you were here...and I sincerely hope that one day we will meet...until then may you know how much I care...


...set letter down...