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My Favourite Quotes

"When in doubt, reboot."---Bob Barrett

"Things fall apart; it's scientific."--David Byrne

"There should be more here."--Steve Cole

"We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives."-Criswell, in Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space

"All of the buildings/and all of the cars/were once just a dream/in somebody's head."--Peter Gabriel

"The first principle of freedom is the right to go to hell in your own handbasket."--Robert Heinlein

"Bah! Feh! and other assorted noises of discontent!"--Ryouga Hibiki.

"Ridicule is the unfortunate destiny of the ridiculous."--James Howard Kunstler

"You can't arrest me for jack shit."--Bill Lee, 1985

"Those you cannot teach to fly, teach to fall faster."-Friedrich Neitzsche

"To Hell with the Xtians, then, since they invented the place." --Marshall O'Keefe

"I will never do anything anyone asks me again unless they allow me to do exactly what I want to do in the way that I do it. If you think it is a luxury, it isn't."--Ralph Steadman

"You're unique, just like everyone else."--Heidi Stellone, News Dominatrix

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"--Team Rocket

"You have a dark side, don't you?"--Brian Towne, talking about me.

"It's all building up to something---something that can only be redeemed with fire."--Pete Townshend

"Art is never finished, only abandoned."--Unknown

"What God wants, God gets; God help us all."--Roger Waters

