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Fun Stuff on the Web!

Hey, everybody needs a break once and a while...
So take one and check out these fun sites!!!....
(just click on images below)

Mckenzie's Blues Clues Fun House

You'll love the games on this page no matter how old you are!

Sorry, but you need a Java-enabled browser to play Trivia Blitz.
Stop and play a game of trivia.
Updated weekly so come back for new questions!

Visit Gibbleguts Comic Zine
Daily cartoons from Gibbleguts

A new cartoon daily so check back to get a laugh a day.

loads of games (even webtv friendly)

Fun IQ and Personality Tests

Just for fun check out your Family's Astrology

Astro Advice

Send that special someone e-mail flowers free

Pucker up and send an E-Kiss
Make friends and family smile with a e-greeting today!

Great online greeting cards.

a great list of cyber adoptions links

Adopt a Mouse, and Everything You Need For Her House(& more)

Smiles to All

Step Back From The Computer.... Dance!

Links to tons of happy dancing pages!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Uncle Hyman
Advice for the gifted

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