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Wonderful Graphic Links

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Thanks to all the creators of the wonderful web graphics out there.
If it was not for you all my pages would be pretty boring.
I always try to give credit where it deserves it.
If you see that I have not let me know. I will be glad to fix it.
Thanks ~Leigh

Find some of the cool graphics
used on our pages at these sites.

Thanks His Net Web Design for my free banner!

everything from cute bunnies to beautiful roses

pretty feminine web design

Beautiful Web Sets, some of the best I've seen

A site with many beautiful angel images.

Here you will find some elegant victorian graphic sets.

A great link for cute cartoon graphics, everything from angels to insects.

This where I got my cool trailing rose cursor.

"animated.gif on this page (c)Kitty Roach."

 Background by Stormi

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