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~ Happy Birthday Mckenzie ~

On October 9, 1999 our little girl turned

Are you all singing to me? Ah how sweet!

I can't wait to dig in.

Yummy first taste!

Oh my, more cake on the face then ever in my tummy.

Look at this mess! Off to the tub with me!

I caught my best friend Tori with her finger in the ice cream!

My cousin Elizabeth is so sweet!

My cousin Dean came to my party!

This is my littlest cousin Brandon!

This my best birthday smile.
That's me sitting on Jeremy's lap. That's my Daddy sitting next to us.

I love attacking my friend Brandon!

This is Brandon's older sister Sarah
We have lots of fun together

This is my sweet Oma with Elizabeth.

What's everybody waiting for?

I had lots of fun with all the great presents everyone brought me!

Mommy, do you mind if I finally close my eyes for a moment.....zzzzz

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