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Torrey and Leigh's Wedding Album

On October 4, 1997 Torrey and Leigh were married.
It was a beautiful day.
The sun was shining, the angels were singing, and the trains whistling! (grin)
And so another chapter in our fairy tale romance was wrote.

Our Wedding Pictures

The Art of Marriage

This page is dedicated to
my love, my darling, my soulmate, my best friend,
my Knight in shining armour....
Torrey, I love you.
You are my dream come true! ~Leigh's Love Quote of the Day

Wishing by Lady Lennon

Find for me, lover, the dreams of forever
Dance for the light of the secretive moon
Speak to me, honey, with words made of sugar
Know that the end of the song will be soon
Show to me, darling, the depths of the ocean
Give me the prizes that patience rewards
Be to me, charming, a chivalrous courter
I'll be your lady and you'll be my lord
Sing to me, sweetheart, the praises of passion
Tempt me with offers of sensuous bonds
Teach to me, true love, the ways of the world
Touch me with your love and my heart responds

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