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Thrills and Chills Without the Spills
Roller Coaster Physics for Middle School Students
Click Here to Learn More About the Project Requirements Project Instructions
Project Data
Student Area
Teacher Area
Reference Material
Contact Project Leaders
Discussion Area


Take the Challenge:  Design and build a roller coaster that creates thrills and chills without the spills!

General Information

Students anywhere and any age are welcome to participate in this project. There is no fee to participate in this project. There are many WEB pages and a listserv available to help you and your students participate.  Participating groups can be individuals, a small group, or an entire class. 

Specific Requirements

  1. Letter of introduction from your school by January 15, 2000.
  2. Completion of Part 2 (The One Hill Coaster) and submission of the speed trials by February 16 is necessary.  Student written analysis of the speed trials are due by March 3. 

  3. (Part 1: The Scavenger Hunt and Part 3: The Competition Roller Coaster are optional activities.) 
  4. Students will need access to a variety of materials to construct both their One Hill and Competition Roller Coasters.
  5. All groups will need a regulation-size marble to serve as the coaster.

The project will run from December 20 - April 17, 2000.  In order to participate in this project, please REGISTER by submitting a Letter of Introduction by January 15.  Space is limited to the first 25 classes that register.

Please do not participate in the project unless you are committed to submitting all of the above information. During the project you'll be able to contribute to a discussion area with other schools participating in the project. You and your students will be able to discuss the results as they become available and share your ideas with other schools. You can also, optionally, submit scale drawings of your roller coaster to the Project Listserv. 

Project Schedule

  December 20, 1999 
                          Project starts!  Letters of Introduction can be submitted. The Scavenger 
                          Hunt can begin and fun facts posted to the Discussion Area. 
  January 15, 2000 
                          Registration ends. 
  January 28, 2000 
                          The Scavenger Hunt ends. 
  January 31, 2000 
                          Construction and speed trials commence on the One Hill Roller Coaster. 
  February 16, 2000 
                          Data from speed trials on the One Hill Roller Coaster due. 
  February 23, 2000 
                          Data from all participating groups posted to the Discussion Area. 
  March 3, 2000 
                          Student data analysis and justification due. 
  March 6, 2000 
                          Construction of and trials on competition roller coasters begin. 
  March 27, 2000 
                          Competition ends. 
  April 3, 2000 
                          Final data, scale drawings and results from participating groups due. 
  April 10, 2000 
                          First, second and third winners announced by Project Leaders!