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Thrills and Chills Without the Spills
Roller Coaster Physics for Middle School Students
Click Here to Learn More About the Project Requirements
Project Instructions
Project Data
Student Area
Teacher Area
Reference Material
Contact Project Leaders
Discussion Area


Take the Challenge:  Design and build a roller coaster that creates thrills and chills without the spills!
 Teacher Area

This WEB project is intended to be an interdisciplinary exploration of how roller coasters work, using science, math and language arts to bring the project to life.  Teachers interested in this exploration might wish to team with teachers in the other disciplines to incorporate this project across the curricula with students.  Following are descriptions of the different sites located within this WEB project.

The Navigation Column

      The Navigation Column to the left will take you to different aspects of the project just by clicking on the name with your mouse.

Read This First! - gives directions on how to register for the project, the 
timeline and other requirements for those groups or individuals wishing to participate. 

Project Instructions- provides the timeline for project implementation, and directions for specific activities and links to Project Purpose, Letter of Introduction, The Scavanger Hunt, The One-Hill Roller Coaster and The Competition Roller Coaster Instructions.  The Competition Roller Coaster site has a link to a virtual roller coaster site where students can experiment with design ideas to see if their coaster will work.

Project Data- provides links to the data entry forms for the three activities and to the Listserv, to which all correspondence will be posted.

Student Area- this site posts all the data submitted from all participants into one table.  This page will be available beginning February 23, 2000. 

Reference Material- this site contains links to other WEB sites about roller coasters, from their history to the physics laws behind their operation to online experts.

Discussion Area- this link takes you to the Listserv to post data, information you wish to share with other participants, fun facts your students may have discovered in their Scavenger Hunt, questions you may have and student discussion about posted data results.  Anything you post to this is automatically sent out to registered participants via email.  The Listserv postings can also be viewed on the WEB at
You must be a registered participant to post anything to the Discussion Area. 

Background Information
       This site provides an elementary introduction to Newton's Three Laws of Motion.

           This link will take you to suggested assessment strategies.


This collaborative interdisciplinary WEB project fullfills specific mathematics, science, language arts standards delineated by the state of New Jersey.  The first link below takes you directly to the HomePage of the State Department of Education for complete text.  The additional links highlight the specific process and core content curriculum standards, and the progress indicators expected of eighth grade students, which the project incorporates.