The 80's shell

Welcome to Big T's 80's site!

Its time to bring out all of those old memories from days past. Where music was music (at least to me) and everything goes. On this site you will find a bunch of information about each great and wonderful year in the Eighties. From TV shows to the news to the great music, this site will be a "MEMORIAL" to what the eighties stood for in the lives of many. Please feel free to e-mail me with comments and request and anything else you would like to say. This is a work in progress so things will go up in time and by the end of the year we should have a complete history of the 80's.

I would like to thank a speical blond for pushing me to take on such a project. My buddy and cheerleader Maria Castillo. Maria works with me at BellSouth and every time I speak with her, it brings back all of those 80’s moments in my life. Thanks Maria.

Enjoy the website and Peace Out Yo!


Photograph by Def Leppard!

Its simple, click on a year that you want to find out information about. Each year will have the top 100 songs of the year, some notes about the highlights of the music, top TV shows and Movies and some Major Highlights in the news.

Home| 1980|1981|1982| 1983| 1984| 1985| 1986|1987|1988|1989|

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My Favorite Things About the 80's

My Favorite Web sites

Troy's Main Home Page
Another Great 80's page. (if I had one tenth of her talent, I would be deadly)
The Best Damm Morning Show EVER! Check out MJ and the Guys and mabye I can become an intern.
80's to the Max. Its Altanta all 80's radio station and you can listen 24 hours a day on their website. Check it out.
