Photograph by Def Leppard! Big T-Stu's Home Page
Moo! Moo, moo! Which way did i go? LOL!.

YO! What's up? Nothing much here. Isn't the Mad Cow cute? I think so but lets look at me for a second:

I think I look better. Its a Cow for crying out loud. I don't even know how this cow got here. I don't even know if its a boy or a girl? Can you tell me what it is?

Anyway guys I have been working on getting this site to be number one but I just have no direction with this thing. I need your help. Mabye one day I will just break down and pay for a course or something but until then you will see my mad cow. lol. Although the official site is not open yet, the 80's web shell has a url: I will not make a hyperlink yet so you have to cut and paste until i am finished with it site. 1980 and 1981 is about done so check out the lists and read my writings and see if i am on point with my views.

Anyway, as always, I made a few changes. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me. Tell me what you think of the site. As we all know, every web site is a work in progress as is mine. Help me improve my site. Thanks and blessings!

Home| News|Bio|The Band Hall| Jokes| Photo Page!| Links|

Hey guys, if you like what you see just hit the mail box on the bottom off the screen and let me know whats up? smile!

Copyright 2001 by Big T-Stu IRC., a subdivision of Big T-Stu Inc.
Big T-Stu's Page was created by TroyTuba.