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More words of Wisdom

What! Haven't had enough yet?

OK! Let's play a little game!

Wave your finger in the air in front of you!

Go ahead! Wave it!

Now! Unwave it!

What! It can't be done, can it?

Neither can things that have happened in the past be changed. Yes past grievances do anger us. But you cannot change what has happened with your anger. You only give that memory the power to keep angering you.

The same applies to that which causes pain to you. Do you love to hurt so much, that you give it the power to keep hurting?

You cannot hold back the Sun! It shall rise each morning to a new beginning and a new day. Don't waste this new opportunity of life by reliving yesterday's anger and pain. Learn from those yesterdays, so that this new opportunity at living can be enriched by those memories, not haunted by them.

Your destiny begins with each Sunrise. Life here is brief enough without wasting one precious second. Don't be foolish and await the setting of the Sun to discover what a beautiful day it could have been. If you want your life to be worthwhile, then get off your duff and make it worthwhile. Nothing comes from doing nothing. And you can't blame yesterday for your lack of doing today. Otherwise the Sun sets upon a fool.

Although your Elders may not have had your benifit of higher education, due to its inavailability in their time, that doesn't mean that they don't have the resource of accumulative wisdom to be able to teach you a thing or two. True they may not know how to use the computer, but there isn't a computer made that has the capacity of the human brain and the benifits of an Elders reasoning.

So saying, I shall leave you with one bit of advise. There is nothing in this world that comes without a cost except for nothing itself. Do nothing and you earn nothing in return. Sit back and use past injustice as an excuse and you earn past injustice. You cannot Rise above a situation by simply spreading your wings and awaiting a favorable wind, sometimes you have to flap them and make your own wind of opportunity.

Blue Turtle

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