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Circle of Life


What a wonderful gift to recieve.

My Creator gave me life.

My parents union gave me form.

And in this haven of Mother's womb,

I will grow until I'm born.


At last that burst of freedom

from that watery tomb.

That first breath of earthly air.

Was that a cry of doom?

Or only a cry of lament,

for a life that must end too soon?


Oh for the love of parents,

what more can I say?

Their gentle arms enfold me,

encouraging growth each day.

Or is it I who cling to them,

knowing that I cannot stay?


Oh the joy of growing and learning

more and more with each long day.

Trying my best to become that person

my parents had hoped I'd be one day.

But right now I'm just having fun

the future seems so far away.


A time for developement,

learning more each day.

The first stir of restless loin,

growing that special way.

Or was it the urging to be off,

to end my boisterous play?


It's the time I was born for,

to be the very best I can.

To find a mate, to beget a child,

to bestir anew the land.

On this time I will linger,

working for my growing clan.

Now is the time for parents love,

For lending our parents a hand.

A time for making a better world,

Of toiling, to take a stand.

It is a time to use our creative gifts,

to learn and understand.


My children are all grown now.

My hair is getting grey.

Those wonderful years of youth,

have rapidly slipped away.

Or is it only my fading memories,

making it seem that way?

It is now a time to think,

to make all past knowledge pay.

Turning it into wisdom,

to help our Grandchildren to pray.

For tomorrow's are their world,

we hope it's better by our stay.


Now as I linger here,

time passes at a fearful pace.

Old friends pass by me daily,

on way to that mystic place.

Some with tears, some with fears,

some with smiling face.

Ah to know that mystery,

that pursues me with such haste.

Will this wisdom be for nothing?

Will it all go to waste?

Or will I tell it by my Creator's knee,

in some far distant space?

My circle has now gone full turn,

I have run my final race.

This earthly body shall linger,

with the dusts of all my race.

Ah! See that glowing portal!

Hear the sweet hymns to His grace!

Oh Creator! I flee my circle,

to the arms of Your embrace...

As you see, even life is a circle.

As you begin, you shall return.

In the meantime life is very precious.

So let not one moment spurn!

Blue Turtle