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Other Roots


If a person is to honor their roots, then they should honor all. After all I am part Scotch-Irish.

What an honor it is to be born of such a deversified ancestors. Who can help getting chills down there spine listening to the bagpipes, or get their toes to tapping with an Irish flute, and still feel your heart beating in tune with the water drums, as we pay tribute to the earth. Ah the thrill of it all!

And what person of Scotish decent could watch Braveheart without thinking in pride, I am of that blood. Or read of the greatness of Brian Boru without your heart swelling with pride. Even as much so as hearing the great exploits of Little Turtle, Tarhe, Tecumseh and other great leaders of the people.

Some may say that because I am not of pure Native American blood, that I have been assimulated. But that is not true. Rather I have been stimulated. I know who I am! And I can walk with pride as what I am. Just as my ancestors instill me with that pride, so it behooves me to walk in such a way as to instill pride in those to whom I shall be ancestor to.

Nothing disturbs me more than those who would try to don the robe of false identity. You know the type, the wanabees. Why? Have you no pride in your ancestors? Forgive me, for it is not for me to question what you do, for you must walk your own path in life. But if you would think on some advice then, why not quit looking in the mirror to see what you want others to see, and start looking at the back of the mirror and see what your heart shows you truly are. It might surprise you. In fact you may like what you see there. Just a suggestion of course.

My last name is McKibben. It is a good Scotch-Irish name. One to be proud of. Their names go through the history books. In 1773 Lord Dunmore of Virginia, assigned Rev. Charles McKibben as first Presp. minister in Ohio territories. Richard McKibben performed one of the first marriages in Ohio.. The list goes on. If one would look through the phone books, they would find one out of every fifty McKibbens listed would be a preacher. What more can I say. Except I stand a tall tree, proud of my roots.

Blue Turtle---Thomas A. McKibben Sr.

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