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Welcome to my section dedicated to rice boys and what they believe is "cool" :)

I have taken these pics from various sources on the net including visit them for more funny pics like these Pic 1

And they say size doesnt mater Pic 2

And a 4 door neaon r/t, hmm, slow mopar perhaps? Pic 3a

And more of the above piece of crap Pic 3b

Now this wing is pure ricer overkill, does this really serve a purpose other than to weigh the ass end down Pic 4

A fuzzy peach color neon,YUCK Pic 4

What sissy ass looking hummer. Pic 5

Hmmm, what to say about this ugly probe. Pic 6

I guess this guy's performance add ons make him quicer, or is it slower? Pic 7a

And another of the above Pic 7b

Looks, its the mother ship Pic 8

Rain trap overkill. Pic 9

Smacked up civic Pic 10

This is just stupid looking Pic 11

A ford owner with the same style of thinking as the guy above. Pic 12

And another nasty car, this one a toyota. Pic 13

This is an ugly cavalier Pic 14

And a celebrity thats just but ugly Pic 15

What the hell was this fool smoking when he made this ugly civic Pic 16a

And another shot of the mustand civic Pic 16b

I wonder if the touring wing on top of the the factory wing covered by the roof wing will make this car fly Pic 17

It must be hard to put the shell on top of the wheels and engine of this prelude Pic 18

Ok, here is an original, an old prelude with a wing and some weird green color, check out the string used to hold the bumper up Pic

Thats it for now, and jsut in case your wondering, i hate all imports, fords, and chrystlers equally :)
