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Chapter 1: It Starts

Almost One Year Earlier...

The last few notes to "Mmmbop" started to fade. Elizabeth and I stopped dancing and stared at each other. She smiled through rosy cheeks at me,"I can never get tired of Mmmbop." she declared.

I grinned as I tried to catch my breath,"Me either."

Okay, so I was lying. "Mmmbop" has it's charms, but by the fifth consecutive time, I tend to be bopped out. But, you don't tell Elizabeth those kind of things. That is, unless you are in the mood for an arguement.

The first few notes to "Weird" now filled the air in the room. I gave myself a satisfied little smile in Elizabeth's full length mirror before I plopped onto her bed among dozens of stuffed animals.

"What is it about you and this song?" Liz asked as she took notcie of my smile and planted herself in front of me. She got that look on her face. That one that says I hope this explanation is good because I don't want you to waste my time.

I shrugged,"I just like the idea of things being weird. Everything is always so blah that something weird, or even the idea of something being weird, excites me."

Elizabeth giggled, obviously satisfied with my response,"You're weird." she proclaimed as she laid back to examine the poster of Taylor Hanson that was plastered on the ceiling above her bed.

Leave it to Liz. I thought shaking my head. True, I was a normal girl but, sometimes I just felt too normal. Not now though. Right now I did feel weird. For instance, here I was "reaching for a hand that understands, someone who feels the same" and finding that I "don't stand out" but I "don't fit in" either. Not that I'm complaining, but a little compassion once in awhile wouldn't kill Liz. But, that's Liz for you. I guess I'll just have to take comfort in knowing that I would never reject one of her thoughts because I simply didn't understand.

"Ugh, do you know what I would do to that boy?" Liz interupted my thoughts as she fantasized abut Taylor.

"You mean besides scare the shit out of him?" I joked.

Liz continued talking, but not before she threw me a dirty look to show that my comment was not appreciated,"No, I would hug and kiss that boy until he was begging to be let go." she informed me.

"Do you know what that's called, Liz?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"It's love, stupid." she groaned to me as if I was incapable of understanding anything she could tell me.

"No, it's sexual assault. Not to mention rape if it goes any further than those kisses you were mentioning."

She rolled her eyes,"Abby, you know nothing about the grown-up world of love."

"Sorry, I wasn't aware that I was in the presence of an expert. I'll remember that next time." I replied making sure that the hurt was evident in my voice.

I guess Elizabeth finally took notice that this conversation was going nowhere good, and fast, because she quickly backed out of this one.

Later that night I was running the day through my head, as I sometimes tend to do. I could still clearly recall my conversation with Liz earlier today. For some reason it still agitated me. More so today than any other fight on any other day. Usually I could just let Elizabeth's words roll right off of my back. But I just couldn't let it go.

I tried to shake it from my mind again as I shut off my bedroom light and crawled into my nice cool bed. I didn't particularly want to forget it though. I couldn't let her get away with it. She was just too conceited for her own good. And over what? Taylor Hanson? Please, who was he to ruin my day with my best friend and get away with it. It was just so much easier to blame him than Liz.

Now, this is where my life went weird. I cursed Taylor Hanson. Not the wisest thing that I have ever done. I wanted Taylor to know that he had wrecked my day. I didn't expect him to know, I just really wanted it to happen. Anyway, I whispered a few words that promised to get me in trouble.

"God," I whispered,"if you're listening, I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. I know it's wrong of me to ask you this, but I was wondering if, well, you could let Taylor know that he can't get away with everything. I mean, I know I was fighting with Liz about him so, can I get her back too? Could you not let my best friend Elizabeth have Taylor? Instead, let me get him. For once I want to have something that she desperately wants. So please God, if you are listening, let me have Taylor Hanson."

A thick fog seemed to be curling around me. At first, I panicked and turned around. My eyes darted in dozens of different directions. Where was I? I couldn't see anything, not even my hand which was right in front of my face. I was being consumed by a thick, gray fog. I turned back around and began to run, my arms outstretched in front of me. They were grasping in the fog for anything solid. Anything real.

Pull it together Abby. You're dreaming that's all, I told myself. But the fog was so real. I could feel it entering my nostrils and throat. It was filling my lungs and choking me. But, if I'm dreaming, then I shouldn't know it's a dream right? Where am I? I started to run faster as I realized that the more I ran, the more the fog lifted. Hope surged through me, and then, I fell flat on my face.

A low grumble escaped my lips as my body collided with the floor. I layed in shock for a moment while I took a mental inventory of my body. Nothing broken, a few bruises, perhaps even a scratch, but otherwise...

"Who the hell are you?" a voice rang through me and made me lose my train of thought.

I looked up and found myself staring into the blue eyes of one, Taylor Hanson.

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