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Chapter 5: What's Wished Is Done

Abigail sat on the back porch of the Hanson house unbelievably close to Taylor Hanson. The one and only, Taylor Hanson, might she add. She knew that girls everywhere would sell their souls to the devil himself to sit knee to bony knee with him. She pulled the blanket that he had given her tighter around herself and chattered. She wished they could just sit inside, but how were they to explain her being there? They didn't even comprehend it themselves.

"We've got to figure this thing out." Taylor uttered, as if speaking her mind.

"I know," she whispered gazing across the huge backyard,"it's so surreal. I mean this is the kind of thing you read about in some stupid science fiction story that you refuse to believe because you simply forget it was meant to be fiction."

"Yeah," he agreed,"I mean, it's like 'The Blob' only it's 'The Fog'. I mean, how did all of this happen anyway? Like, why you and why me?"

Abigail kept her mouth shut and turned her head away from Taylor. Because I wished this she cursed herself silently.

Taylor took notice of her silence,"Abby?" he questioned,"You know why don't you?"

She bit her lip and sighed, throwing the blanket off,"Yes, I know why." she shook her head.

"Well...why?" he asked on the edge of his seat.

She winced,"I kind of sort of, not really but maybe wished to God that I could "have" you to piss off my friend Elizabeth. But, I mean, when I was four I asked God for a pony and I never got one, so who knew he was really listening?" she joked.

"Are you kidding me?" Taylor leapt up,"You wished this? What kind of sick, demented freak wishes for something like that!" he yelled. He was incredibly confused. So the way he felt when she was laying on the floor in his hall, the way his heart skipped that beat, that was all some ill sort of hocus pocus mumbo jumbo?

"I'm not a sick, demented freak!" she shot back, standing in front of him,"I mean, it was completely innocent! How was I to know that God would grant this perverted ass prayer! I don't even want you that bad! It's not like I pray to the altar of the almighty Jordan Taylor Hanson every night before I sleep!"

Taylor stared back at her, not knowing what to say. He tightened his pony tail,"Look, none of that matters. Just," he sighed,"just unwish it or something. I don't want to see you again, ever, in my life."

She stuck out her open palm,"Then give me my necklace and I'll unwish it at the speed of thought so I can get the hell out of here. I want to get as far away from you as you want to get from me."

Taylor dug into his pocket and his hand emerged with the necklace. He dropped it into her unkowing palm,"Hurry up, make it fast."

She quickly fastened the necklace and faced the backyard. She started to quietly conversate with God, Look God, thanks for this gift and all, but if you could...

"What are you doing?" Taylor interrupted her, not knowing she was talking quietly.

She whirled around,"Well, maybe if you would shut that hole in your face for a micro second I could get the hell out of here!" she sneered rudely.

Before he had a chance to answer, the fog started to flood quickly through the backyard. He gasped,"Quick! Before you leave! I wanna make sure that you unwish it!"

Abigail froze at the sight of the choking fog. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. The fog encircled her, the voice chanting What's wished is done, what's done is true. No way to change what you've been through, What's wished is done, what's done is true. No way to change what's you've been through. it repeated.

Abigail fell off of her bed, entangled within her covers. She lay there, staring at her ceiling for a moment. The sunlight was filtering in her window and screaming at her to wake up and face the day.

"Damnit!" she mumbled, fumbling to stand admist her jumbled covers. She stared at the crucifix hanging on her wall and walked closer to it. She studied it for a moment before shaking her head and heading for the bathroom. If she didn't have so much faith, she would have ripped it from the wall. She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror.

" I don't want to see you again, ever, in my life."

"What a jerk! Who the hell does he think he is?" she asked her reflection,"He's Taylor Hanson, he's a person. He...he..." she paused as she tried to think of an insult,"he can kiss my butt...and like it!"

She laughed quickly and then placed her hands on the mirror and leaned in closer to get a better look at herself, she sighed,"But he does have the most amazing blue eyes." she inhaled,"And he smells so good too." She wrapped her own arms around herself and chuckled,"Who am I kidding? He's Taylor Hanson. He's so damn near close to perfection, all he has to do is shut up once and awhile and he'd have me in awe."

Taylor leaned against the shower wall as the hot water beat on his back and trickled down his legs to wash away into the drain. He tilted his head back and let his mouth fill with water. She's so arrogant. I mean, what kind of a wish was that? Seriously? Sure I've fantasized over Cindy Crawford and Marilyn Monroe even once and awhile, but I never made some ubsurd wish. That's just, such a girly thing to do. He spit the water gingerly from his mouth, Her hair is so gorgeous though, I just wanna run my hand through her hair. I can smell the Herbal Essence shampoo everytime she moves by me and...and I just wanna touch it...touch her.

He ran his hands through his hair, Abigail...what a nice name.

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