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Pictures of Yelena

If you want one of these pictures for your web page please ask us. Normally we wouldn't care,but most of these pics where given to us from private collections for use of this page. So if you want one please ask so we can forward you to the original owner.
thanks -alexis, lisa and julie-

Billy & Yelena at a Basketball game
billy & yelena at the grammys
Billy & Yelena at the batman premere
Billy & Yelena again
Billy, Yelena & David Bowie.
Billy & Yelena at the Grammies
Billy & Yelena At the Batman premere
Billy & Yelena again
Billy and Yelena again. yup
Billy & Yelena again
Yelena (thanks to Lisa for the lovely picture.)
I would like to thank Xera for these lovley pictures. I highly recomend visiting her site it is one of our favourites.
A lovley pic of Yelena in a hat
Billy and Yelena sitting around I think Billy is trying to recreate hair
