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"A few times during the making of the album, he got so deep into what he was doing that you felt he had lost track of the rest of the world. I've worried about him a few times. But we talk a lot. That's the cool thing about the relatioship. He never just holds everything back. We talk about everything.. I'm European and have a different way of living, and I've been trying to teach it to Billy. I think Americans have a tendency to concentrate so much on thier work that they forget there is a life out there. In Europe, you live to live... and I think Billy is beginning to understand that."
-Yelena Yemchuck, talking about her boyfriend, Billy Corgan.-

"When we first met I was like "are you sure you want to be in this relationship?",because you seem like you need some time."-Yelena on meeting Billy..-
Howard Stern 98'

" What is so amazing about this relationshipis it exsists on two very important levels.We have a total love connection as a man and a woman, witch is very deep. At the same time , because we are both artists, there is a total support and understanding for each other's work... I don't feel I have to explain my obsession. I don't have to explain why I am in the studio for 16 hours a day. She life has improved tenfold since meeting Yelena. My relationship with people, my enjoyment of my work, my appreciation of others artists..."
-Billy Corgan talking about his girlfriend, Yelena Yemchuck.-

Billy: Believe me yelena is..a.. she'd make you
forget anyone you ever knew..
Yelena: Well thank you...
Billy:sorry I had to tell you on the radio..
-Howard Stern 98'-

It's not surprising that Corgan is half an hour late for an 11 a.m. interview. What is surprising is that he arrives arm-in-arm with a woman he introduces as his girlfriend. "This is Yelena. Is it okay if she joins us?" It's a surpprise seeing Corgan with his girlfriend of two years, photographer Yelena Yemchuk, because he has been notoriously private about his personal life, including a two-year marriage that ended in 1997. But now he's volunteering his feelings. "We have a total love connection as a man and a woman, which is very deep. At the same time, because we are both artists, there is a total support and understanding for each other's work. I don't feel I have to explain my obsession. I don't have to explain why I am in the studio for 16 hours a day. She understands..."

Artical from the LA times

these quotes were taken from
Chris' page


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