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before yelena

after yelena

As if we haven't stressed enough why Yelena is so important to Billy..

motives for a page of this nature:
all i ever see about Yelena is "i hate Yelena, shes a bitch, she's a gold digger, shes ugly, she doesnt deserve him, blah blah blah...etc". honestly, i'm tired of it. i've found entire web pages devoted to hating her, forums devoted to bashing her, and if you try to speak good of Yelena in a Smashing Pumpkins chat room, chances are people will yell at you. i've noticed a group of people who actually *gasp* LIKE Yelena AND her work. these people don't have a voice. so, i started this page. i guess you could say i was inspired.
Why So Much Negitivity?
because a lot of young, idealistic teenage girls cling to the ideal that they could recieve direct love from Billy Corgan. what they dont realize is that Billy cant do to them what his music does. i'm not putting down these girls, they need something to believe in. but they start directing their hatred and negitivity towards Yelena out of jealousy. i've read a page claiming that if Yelena was really pregnant, that they would hunt down and murder her. i find that very discusting; not because i believe they would actually do that, but because they could be so ugly and hateful to the person that makes their favorite musican happy. Billy seems very happy with Yelena, and for simply selfish reasons, i'm happy, because that means he won't be slitting his wrists any time soon because he's unhappy with his relationship, and he can keep making music. if she can lift his spirts when he's down, then why the hell shouldn't he be with her? And about her being a gold digger? please...wouldn't she had left him after adore "bombed"? after his mother died? she clearly loves him, shes stuck with him through some hard times.