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Flint River Ranch Treats

Jubilee Wafers - Nutritional healthy treats with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Feed as a preventative or to help your arthritic dog be more comfortable. Jubilee Wafers are in the form of a functional food rather than the traditional oral pill form. Jubilee Wafers are natural, not a drug, so feeding in conjunction with arthritis medication prescribed by your veteriarian can be useful with no side effects. They are not a substitute for treatment, but a supportive means to ease with canine discomfort. They are packed 136 - 140 wafers to a 4 lb. box.

Dog Bone Treats - Nutrional healthy biscuit treats for your dog. Available in Regular, Lamb or Peanut flavors. A tasty way to treat your dog and reward their behavior. Great for training! Crunchy enough to help clean teeth. Free of artificial coloring or preservatives.

Nylabone Edible Dog Treat Chews - Edible, all natural dog treats. 100% Edible and Digestible health chews. Not to mention they are great in hlping to keep teeth strong and clean. NO PLASTIC. No preservatives. No added color additives, salt or sugar. Available in a variety of flavors. You are sure to find one to please your pet's taste buds. We even off Spearmint flavor for those dogs that are a little offensive when they give you that big kiss! Three sizes available (4 1/2" 5 1/2" and 7 3/4") individually or in economical 12 packs. Choose from Carrot, peanut, roar-hide, turkey/rice, bacon, spinach, spearmint, or watermelon. Quench that chewing urge naturally.

Nylabone Nylon Tough Chews - Meat Juice flavor enhanced. Bone hard. Will not break or splinter. Reduces plaque build up.

Nylabone Frisbee Flying Disk - Specifically designed for dogs. A heavy duty Nylabone product. Flexible and safe. Available in two colors, white or chocolate. Three Rotties have been unsuccessful in destroying it. Very tough toy!! Will not crack or shatter easiely like most Frisbees do.

Smoky Natural Bones - Oven baked. Hickory smoked. Individually wrapped. Real marrow bones that no dog can resist. These real marrow bones are the closest we've found to the butchers. They even have smoked meat still on the bone! All-natural beef bones are seasoned with 30 different seasonings smoked and hardened. A combination of flavors dogs can't resist. Veterinarian recommended for healthy teeth and gums.

CAT and KITTEN Treats - 12 oz. All natural crunchy cat treats.

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