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Teddie's Page - Memorial

Join the candlelight ceremony....

"Memories are Golden"

They say memories are golden,
well, maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
in death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.

-author unknown-

A Dog Lovers Poem

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear.
"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."
I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea.
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wished I could do more.
I was with you at my grave today you tend it with such care
I want to reassure you I'm not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house as you fumbled for your key,
I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "It's me."
You looked so very tired and then you sank into a chair,
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.
It's possible for me to be so near you everyday
And say with certainty, "I never went away."
You sat there very quietly, then smiled,
I think you knew
that in that stillness of that evening
I was very close to you.
The day is over...I smile and watch you yawning And say, "Goodnight, sweet dreams, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."
And when the time is right for you
to cross the brief divide
I'll rush to greet you and we'll stand together side-by-side.
I have so many things to show you,
there's much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out
Then come home and be with me.

Generously donated by Memory Lane Collies


..."if I had only known how it would end, I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance."

Web graphics from Castleberry Arts