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Fried Chicken

By Travisina

I think Matropolis, myself had a lot of influence on this one. A lot fo the antics—in fact, just about all of them were my like myself, as me or Matropolis. And then the fact the crush I used to have on Pouncival…

Pouncival’s House

Pouncival had the whole night planned out. He was going to become Matropolis’ tomfriend. “Now everything has to be just right!” He was making Tumblebrutus give him pointers. “I’m taking her for a dinner date and a walk on the date, but how do I make her calm her down? I mean, she’s hyper and when she looks at me, who could resist that beautiful bod (P.S.-Matty found out that Pouncival said that and she was flattered—and gagged)?”
Tumble gaged. “I’m taking her to the Leekelyclaw restaurant. It’s fancy and I don’t want no trouble. Can you help? “Yup, Pouncival, you can count on me. First, win her over with a sloppy love-sickening movie. Buy her popcorn and a buy her soda and buy her love…”
“You sound very weird.” Pouncival looked at Tumblebrutus as he lifted his eyebrows and growled as he went crazy with his kissing noises. “You’re sick.”
“Love sick, you might say,” Tumblebrutus was doing the kissing noises again.. Pouncival backhanded him.
“Asswipe.” Tumblebrutus ran to the bathroom and saw he had a bloody nose. He burst out crying.
At Travie’s House

“I heard that he is taking you for a dinner date. And he is gonna wear a 3 piece suit from Misto!” Travie sighed. “Maybe he will take you to a movie like Misto did. It was so romantic!” Matty gagged herself. “Well it was!”
“Whatever. This is just friendship, right?”
“Not what I heard. I heard he likes you bad bad bad bad bad, so deeply in love with you…”
“Okay, I get this picture.” Matty looked at Travie. “I got butterflies in my stomach.”
“It’s normal to be nervous…”
“No, really. I ate butterfiles whole and alive and they are making me laugh and tickle!” Travie sighed.
The Date

Matty looked in the mirror. “I look geeky in this dress!”
“It’s only for one night!” Travie looked at Matty in her dress. “Plus, you look good!”
Ding. Dong.
Travie opened the door. “Wow Pouncival, you look great. Too bad Misto is smaller than you.
Matty came down the stairs. Pouncival’s jaw dropped. “You look wonderful!”
“You too, now come on!” Matty grabbed him.
“I thought we could go to a movie. And tehn a restaurant,” Pouncival said cheerfully.
“What movie?”
“The Titanic,” Pouncival said, thinking it was definetly every queen’s movie. Matropolis gagged (there’s a lot of that in this story).
After the Movie

“Wake up!” Poucival woke Matty up. “You fell asleep.”
“Who didn’t?”
“Everyone else.”
They walked to the restaurant.
“This is fancy!” Matropolis yelled.
When they walked in the waiter came in. “Pouncival, this way.” The waiter lead tehm to a room where all the teenage dates were. They were all eating and acting like adults.
Matropolis ordered Fried Chicken, Frenchfires and a milkshake, a lobster and an ice cream sundae. Pouncival ordered a lobster, ice tea and lemon slices. “Oh yeah, I also want spaghetti,” Matty called after the waiter.
“They were finally eating when Matropolis said, “Do you think that fried chicken knows how to fly?”
“I don’t know.” UTOHH!” VROOM! A piece of chicken flew acrosst eh room. VOOM! Another one hit a couple who were talking about there masters. VOOOM! One hit Pouncival. VOOOOM! “Okay, what you do is spread your wings and get a running start and VOOOOOOM! You’re off!” Amtty told the chicken wing.
As Matty did this Bomby came in. “Hey hotstuff, how’s life treatin’ ya?” Bomby and Pouncival began to talk (flirt).
Matty saw this and took her milkshake and dumped it over Pouncival and Bombalurina’s head.
She picked up her things and left. “I can teach fried chicken to fly elsewhere!”