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Halloween Story

Hello there welcome to my world

It is a world of darkness and wonder

She tried to warn me but I would not listen

She looked into her ball and saw me there

But I would not listen

Sometimes, just sometimes I wish I had

The image in the window drew me like a magnet

The face shiloeted there, was so terrifing

I had to go in and see

The face on the door beckoned me in

I saw her standing on the stairway

I should have turned and run then

The visions I saw there that night frightened and excited me at the same time

The spirits of those who came before me, swirled round

Trying to tell me to leave while I could

Then I saw him there

Dark and inchanting

Tall and proud and oh so powerful was he

He came to me then, bringing with him a calm

A thrill ran up my spine as he took me in his arms

He made me his that night

This dangerous Prince of Darkness

Then he showed me his true face

But alas it was to late for me

But there is still time for you

Run while you can, run fast and run strong

All I can offer you is but a drink

Would you like to come closer and share some with me

Ok I understand, well run along then

And oh yes one more thing

Have a:

