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Soft rays of sunlight illuminate the sky...

In hues of reds and pinks...

Wondrous in their magnificence...

Natures canvas at it's best...

A sunrise, a sunset...

Vibrant and full of colour…

Too beautiful to miss…

Calm quiet waters lap against the shore...

Shades of blue and green...

Mystical and cool....

Providing us with a sense of peace...

Soothing while it calms our souls...

Ours to claim at any time...

If only we are willing to let it in...

Soft echoes of the birds sweet song...

Serenades us with a joyous sound...

No music can begin to entertain...

Or to make our spirits soar...

Such a variety of sounds they sing for us...

If only we are quiet enough to listen...

Oh how sweet their song can be...

Amidst the dark and stormy clouds...

Soft sunlight peeks out through the raindrops

Oh what a spectacle it creates...

Shades of pink, green, yellow and blue...

Combining in an arch of soft warm colour...

A promise for tomorrow, shining bright.

Through darkness comes the light….

Beauty surrounds us all...

Each and every moment it touches our lives...

This most wonderful and precious gift...

Embrace the moment; feel its peace...

Rejoice in the presence of it all...

For it is but a fleeting moment..

If missed then it is gone…

So remember on your journey through life…

We pass this way but once…

It is our choice to hurry along its path…

Never seeing the beauty around…

Or we can slow down just a little…

And find our inner peace…

The choice is yours my friend…

Author: Katty Kane
