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Ashley Danielle Johnston

Picture-At A Wedding

My brother's a big fan of Toronto, he's the one who got me into hockey, well some what. I used to go to his games and watch him play and then watch the Leafs play when I was at home with him. In December '99 I was flipping through the channels and saw the Toronto Maple Leafs playing and since there wasn't anything else on I started watching. Nik REALLY stood out (and up!). Since then, I've TRIED not to miss a game. I personally think Nik's one of the best (or will be) on the team.

If you have ICQ you can message me at 49000701-gUlLiBlE

You can also reach me at:

  • (NOT in service at the moment)

Check out my other sites and please feel free to add me to your links:

Home Of The Canadian BSB Fans
Backstreet Pics
Never Before Seen Pictures Of BSB & Aaron Carter
The Nikolai Antropov Page
Abby Motorsports On-line (My Brothers Cascar Site)
