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Friends and Pet Pictures

Doesn't Ashley Taylor look inoccent?........she's not.....hehe
Ashley after a concert
Ashley bugging my dad at the beach
Ashley posing for a picture
Yet another pose
Ashley T again
Ashley on front porch
Ashley outside tent trailer at camping
My 15th Birthday party
Belinda, last day of school in June '00
Ashley Taylor (my best friend) and I
Her and I posing for a picture
It's cold out...can ya tell?
Ashley and I goffing around
At the beach {summer '99}
Jill and I all dressed up
My friend Stacy and I
My brother's girlfriend and I on my b-day
Sheena and I again on my b-day
My kitty Tommy fighting my sleeping bag
My pet squirrel Squiffy on my arm...isn't she cute???
Andrew with our dog Chance. (I'll let you guess which one is the dog!) He is a German Shepard with wild dog in him too.
Sasha at twelve weeks old. She's a cream banded hamster.

Pet List
