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My Pics & Concerts I Have Attended

When I was about 1
Grad '98
Just about to leave for Grad '98
On Stage At Grad
My brother Chris and I
My brother Chris, Myself, holding Andrew and Rachel is beside me. (Both my second cousins) X-mas '98
Second shot X-mas '98
At A Cottage (Summer '99)
My cat Tommy, my Daddy and I
My Cousins Brittany, Kim and I Christmas eve '99
My Dad, Chris and I
Chris and I again
Crystal (brothers X), Chris and I
My Dad and I
At my cousins wedding
Leaving hotel to my uncles wedding (can ya tell we just drove for 2hrs? ) {ready to get hammered}
At uncles wedding in Windsor (I'm drunk & tired) {Jan '00}
My 16th Birthday {April 21st 2000}
It's X-mas eve w/ my friend Belinda (& YES I am drunk there too!) {Dec.24''00}
Having a drink on my 17th b-day {April 21st 2001}
Enjoying a smoke on my b-day {April 2001}
Top Row Left to Right -->Myself, Brenden (step bro), My mom, step dad Chris --> Bottom Row Our dog Chance, and my two other step brother's Andrew and Dylan. Plus on the FAR left you can see my step cuz Matty {Last day at KillBear near Parry Sound July 15th 2001}
What do ya think???

Concerts I Have Attended

~*Check out the pictures from most of these concerts on my website called "Never Before Seen Pictures". You will find the site by going to the section "My Info".*~
