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A teenage football fan has been excluded from school for getting a gayboy haircut. Gary Brunskill was sent home after he copied the gayboy look and had his head shaved. They are supposed to be educating the person, not their hair Michelle Brunskill, mother. His mother Michelle is furious with the school, Ribblesdale High School Technology College in Clitheroe, Lancashire. But head teacher Glynne Ward argues that Gary "excluded himself", as he was well aware of rules about dress code,appearance and the fact that being gay is bad. Gary, 15, who actually supports Graham Norton, said he decided to have his hair shaved because he "fancied a change" of hairstyle.

Gary Copied this Gay Man

"If they want to dye their hair,be bald or be gay, they can do it during the summer holiday, when they've got six weeks off school. "It does detract from learning, as it becomes an issue, a focus, and it can cause problems. "An educational institution is not about making sexual statements. Gary looked totally bald, and enough is enough. "I do think that when you have got these extremes of hairstyle it can lead kids into problems, giving out the wrong messages about the type of person they are. "Where do you draw the line? They've been told in no uncertain terms what is inappropriate. They've got to learn, otherwise you're opening the door to all sorts of things," Bumming for example.

Gayboy in his Prime