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As you take the time to read this, either some or all, please remember.....I AM NO PROFESSIONAL! But, I remember once, a very dear and good friend had told me that when you have something on your mind, whether good or bad, happy or sad, if you can't let it go...write it down. This helps with the process of healing or dealing. So here they are!! Thank you for the info Cuddles!!!!!! HUGSSSSSS

My Life

My heart is aching
My body alone
My spirit is full
My Lord calls it home
What is my life on this earth to be
A wife, a mother, or to make someone happy
I've got love, comfort and compassion
Patience, virtues and faith without fashion
What is my life on this earth to be?? .......

Written By: Janice


Mansions above
With streets of gold
That is Heaven
So I have been told
But today...first
We must go through
The pains and sadness
Of this world
To cross over the straight and narrow path
That leads to our Savior and Life Ever last........

Written By: Janice


When darkness falls
The night time comes
Alone in the shadows
I seek release
From the tales of woe
I seek inner peace
This world and it's turmoil
Our life has begun
But eternity of prayer and worship
Will come with the Son.............

Written By: Janice


Here I sit
In this lonely room
Waiting, just waiting
To call someplace home
Where the Lord is my Shepherd
And guides me all the way
Where I can turn to Him continually
Just to start my day
To bring happiness and joy
To this mother and her boy
Knowing that the Lord loves us..........

Written By: Janice


The nights are so dark
The days sometimes bleak
Not knowing who I am looking for
Not knowing who I seek....
The Lord will guide me
In this I do believe
For He knows my needs
He knows my desires
He sees my heart
And into my soul
Always He is with me
Always to console.......

Written By: Janice


I met two friends a long time ago
We met on the net as it seems to go
We talked and we chatted, we laughed and we cried
We grew closer and closer til one day it was decided
That we be family
These two and me
It's Woody and Marty and I make three
Love to my Online Big Brothers....

Then as you know
Time had passed and it started to show
That a new member of my family
It was meant to be
A third Big Brother
I met as the other
Drew is his name
And we became the same
Now I have three
Three that watch out and care for me
Ahhhh the Love of Big Brothers.......

Written By: Janice


Here I sit
In this place called home
Here I sit
So many times alone

The days come and go
Sometimes frantic
Sometimes droll
Still here I sit

People all around
Busy busy busy
Til the darkness surrounds
And the busy stops

Here I sit
Usually alone......

Written By: Janice


I remember the first time we talked
The first time on the net
The first time on the phone

I remember the shakiness in your voice
The nervousness in mine
The sounds of each persons words

I remember getting to know each other
Talking, just talking to explain it all
Trying to make each of us see
Who the other one is

I remember the laughing, the crying
The *EG* and the smiling
The late nights, the early mornings
Always so pleasant

I remember the first time I saw your picture
The experiences in making them
The gifts we exchanged
The thoughts, the dreams

I remember the day it stopped
The day my door was closed
In my mind, panic, crying,
Sorrow, pain, and thoughts

I remember now
That all I have left
In my life, in my mind

Written By: Janice